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The days before the vacation had passed by rather quickly, especially as they all dragged their luggage behind them as the seven males stood outside of the airport. News had spread like wildfire when Hoseok posted about a vacation. All he had said was that him and his friends were going on one; but people always had a way of finding out when and where. Screaming fans waved hello to their idols as Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon, and Jimin walked by. They really yelled for Jimin, despite him not even being an idol or a trainee like everyone assumed.

He was a normal person, holding his boyfriends hand as they entered the large airport. "Is that what it's usually like?" Jimin asks quietly in Hoseok's ear. He didn't watch the news channels that showed idols getting onto airplanes because it simply didn't give him much of anything; it only caused him stress for the strangers. "Sometimes, yes. But other times they can be respectful." Hoseok whispers back, waving his and Jimin's held together hands in the air. Few scream, while others remained quiet. It isn't until Yoongi walks to Jimin's vacant side, that even more fans yell. Yoongi is the first to notice the change, glancing towards Jimin for a response; but nothing happens on his end.

Soon enough the screams and cheers fall silent as they enter the first class section of the plane. "Mission accomplished," Namjoon chuckles under his breath, as the faces of the fans leaves his mind for the moment. The atmosphere was much calmer, allowing for relaxation. "It's gorgeous here," Jimin exclaims happily—moving from seat to seat. "We should sit down and get ready for departure." The oldest male suggests, taking a seat next to Namjoon who's already searching his carry on for a book. Jimin's eyes find Jeongguk's as he smiles. He walks towards him, finding Yoongi sitting in the seat next to the youngest. "Yoongi hyung was lonely so I suggested sitting next to him." Jeongguk lightly elbows Yoongi's side to grab his attention. "What about Taehyung?" Jimin questions, trying his best to avoid Yoongi's drifting eyes. " He wanted to sit somewhere else, I guess." His voice trails off, as he glances past Jimin to see Taehyung talking to Hoseok. "How about you sit with him? I'll make sure Yoongi hyung isn't lonely." Jimin offers, knowing fully well the decision he was making.

After some thought, Jeongguk says, "are you sure?" And Jimin responds, "of course." Jeongguk gives Jimin a quick embrace, now having a reason to accompany Taehyung on the flight. Jimin takes a seat next to Yoongi, and places his carry on on his lap. "They screamed really loudly for us, hm?" He mumbles. "Jimin, are you okay?" Is the first thing Yoongi asks, but he doesn't get a reply.

He only gets silence.

Hoseok realized Jimin wouldn't be sitting with him when Jeongguk first appeared next to his boyfriends side, asking if he'd sit with him. Taehyung asked why, since he was sitting with Yoongi just seconds ago. But as the youngest said Jimin would sit with him, Hoseok looked for the pair of pink and blonde hair that barely peaked above the seats.

The screams were still adamant in his mind, ringing and ringing. But not for him and Jimin, but for Jimin and Yoongi.

Hoseok never wanted to out their relationship, nor did he want it to get to the way it was becoming. Every passing day he could see how Jimin reacted when Yoongi was involved, or when he was simply mentioned. It seemed his last mistakes wouldn't leave jimin's mind like the screams wouldn't leave his. Or maybe, the younger male was just falling out of love.

This vacations purpose was for falling into love again, so maybe they'd fix their relationship. But watching Jimin mumble something to Yoongi, still stung. He even said to Jimin prior to boarding the plane that the yells for him and Yoongi annoyed him, but perhaps Jimin didn't care that much; despite his assurance that nothing was going on between them. And that he loved Hoseok more than life itself.

Hoseok sighs deeply, tearing his eyes away from the pair to look down at his phone. He places his AirPods into his ears, and waits for the music to play.

The plane takes off, starting the beginning of something no one saw coming.

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