Chapter 29.

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Namjoon nodded in understanding, but was shocked by the story. Yoongi had told him everything, him saying that Jimin had to be worthy to the conversation they had in the room once he woke up. Namjoon always thought he could recognise something like this happening if it ever did happen. But he didn't, and now Jimin was in the hospital.

He felt bad. He should've known, but at the same time, how could he? Just because he had an IQ of 148 didn't mean he knew about emotions that others are hiding.

But then again, Jimin disappeared for days, and he didn't even think about it.

Wow, he never realized how lousy of a friend he was.

He brushed off his jeans after Yoongi told him everything and stood up. Yoongi stood along with him, and followed Namjoon as he walked to Jimin's room again. Namjoon opened the door and saw Jin still sitting by the bed, watching Jimin as he slept. "You told him that?" Jin asked Yoongi, after seeing them both walk into the room again. Yoongi looked down. "Yes, yes I did."

Jin walked towards Yoongi, and Yoongi wanted to back away, from what Namjoon could see, but he never did. Jin came up and slapped him, the sound ricocheting off the walls of the room and right back to everybody's ears. "How could you? You idiot, what made you think it was okay to say that? What was going through your right mind?" Jin growled, and Yoongi looked up at him. "I'm sorry. I never thought- I know it's my fault. But I intend to fix this, and I will. You telling me I did everything wrong and that I'm an idiot won't help this situation. I'm going to come everyday, I'm going to take time off work, and I'm going to do everything to make this right."

Yoongi looked directly up in Jin's eyes, and Namjoon could only wonder how he was able to do it. Jin had a stare that could knock buildings down, and yet Yoongi didn't even flinch. Namjoon smiled. "Fine." Jin said, "But I swear to god, if you ever hurt him again, I won't let you see the light of the sun ever again." Jin walked past Yoongi, and opened the door. "Namjoon."

Jin walked out, and Namjoon took that as the queue to go. On the way out, he patted Yoongi's back. "Good job, buddy."

And then he left.

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