Chapter 30.

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When Yoongi came and explained what he saw in the photo, Hoseok wanted to run over to Jimin's place and beg him to stop; stop hurting himself, stop believing he was worthless. It broke Hoseok's heart, knowing that he wouldn't come.

Hoseok wanted to go for Jimin, but he knew that Jimin liked Yoongi, and by what he could tell, Yoongi liked Jimin too. It wasn't just that, however, because Hoseok asked Yoongi a few questions, just to make sure he could trust Yoongi to go instead of himself. After some very specific questions, Yoongi said that he would make sure Jimin was safe, and that he went through the same thing.

Hoseok sent him over. He gave him his address and sent him to go and help Jimin. He was trusting Yoongi, and he swore to Yoongi that if he didn't take care of Jimin, it was game over for him. Yoongi knew that Hoseok would act like this, and so he just nodded. But Hoseok expected something. He expected Jimin to be saved. And to hell with Yoongi if he did the wrong things.

So when Hoseok got a call from Yoongi and was told that Jimin was in the hospital, he was about to cuss Yoongi out and grab knives. It was when Yoongi explained everything that Hoseok calmed down. Hoseok got to the hospital rather fast, so he caught up with Jin, who was walking out of the hospital looking like an actual ball of fire. (Pfft Hoseok the sun vs Jin)

Hoseok decided not to include himself , but instead gave a wary wave to Namjoon, who'd gave him a thumbs up and smiled back.

Once Hoseok strolled up to the counter where the nurse was, he saw that she looked a bit shaken. Being the sunshine he was, he immediately calmed her down and told her she looked pretty, and asked her if he could find a Park Jimin.

The nurse looked shocked. Hoseok guessed it was because he was looking for the same guy that Jin was looking for earlier.

She pointed him towards the room and gave him a polite smile, which he kindly returned.

He walked in the plain white room, and already felt his eyes start to hurt. The whole hospital was a very striking color of white, and he bet that even if he put shades on he still would feel blinded. Jimin was peacefully asleep, a blanket covering his entire small frame. Only his head poked out, along with his hand that Yoongi was holding. Due to Yoongi's fame, Hoseok knew that he could fall asleep anywhere, anytime.

Good for him, he's able to fall asleep on a massively uncomfortable chair.

Hoseok walked over and brung a chair opposite of Yoongi, on the other side of the bed.

Good for Hoseok, he's able to fall asleep on a massively uncomfortable chair.

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