The answer

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Chapter 2

The Haddock house

"What's wrong now Fishlegs?" Hiccup asks his eyes not leaving the book. "Hiccup you won't believe what I sow! Well what I heard I guess....anyway after I dropped off Meat lugs baby's to their now owners I was by the Hoffason's house I heard yelling & screaming but I couldn't make out what they were arguing abbot then I saw Astrid storm out & fly ,Mr Hoffason seemed pretty upset" Hiccup closes the book & looks up at Fishlegs. "That can mean anything they've fought before" "Not like this, they sounded distressed something really bad must of happened"

Fish watches Hiccup pressing his lips to gather as he looks at the ground & sighs. "Come-on Toothless let's go & find Astrid" Toothless ear's perk up then he gets up & stands next to Hiccup purring. "Do you need me to come Hiccup?" "Yeah I might need the extra eyes to find her" Hiccup & Fishlegs walk out of the house & they get on their dragon's then they fly off to find the fuming Astrid.

The village 

Stoic is walking around the village when he sees his son & Fishlegs flying over the island, after seeing the boys flying he wonders why he doesn't see Stormfly with them then he remembers seeing her flying the over way a while ago, usually Astrid was with Hiccup when they flew around the island, Stoic figures something must have happened between them & if Astrid is angry about anything he knows the first person she would tell was Asmund.

So Stoic walks to the Hoffason house & knocks on the door. "Asmund!" He doesn't respond so Stoic bangs on the door again, it takes a while then he hears footsteps & the door opens revealing a groggy man.

The Hoffason house

"Asmund did you just wake up?" Stoic asks. "Um no...I went back to sleep...well I tried to at least, is there something I can help you with chief?" "Is there something going on with Astrid? I sore her flying away a few minutes ago & I just saw my son & Fishlegs flying the opposite direction, I don't know what you think but that's very unusual for the three of them, do you know what happened?"

"Listen chief this is between me & Astrid you are not involved" Asmund groans at the chief. "I didn't say anything about you, but if this is really about you & Astrid then it looks like Hiccup is going to be involved with your situation, so you better tell me what's going on before it becomes an issue" 

"Hiccup isn't....wait that's it Hiccup's the answer!" Asmund shouts with a smile, Stoic tilts his head slightly & narrows his eyes at Asmund. "What  are you talking about? My son's the answer to what?" Stoic asks confused. "To are problem! Why didn't I think of this before? It's perfect"

"Asmund can you please explain to me what you're talking abbot" Stoic watches Asmund smile & laugh, he isn't sure what is going on inside of Asmund's head but he starts to wonder if he is going insane. "Ah yes I would love to but inside please"

In the forest

Back with Astrid in the forest, she can't understand why this had to happen, her father was dying & now she could barely live on her own, why did this have to happen to her? First her mother was taken now her farther, would this be her legacy to be the only orphan on the island? Before she knows it she feels tears falling on her face Stormfly must have heard sniffing course she squawks trying to get Astrid's attention. 

Astrid wipes her tears away & pats Stormfly's head. "I'm sorry girl I'm just having a bad day" "Astrid!" She turns around & sees Hiccup & Fishlegs behind her & she lets out a groan before speaking. "What are you doing here?" "I should be asking you that question, now can you please come down so we can talk" Hiccup asks.

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