The wedding

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Chapter 11

After a few weeks of prepping it is finally the day of the wedding, all the snow has melted & the sun is beaming down but there is still a cold breeze around the village    

The Haddock house

That morning Hiccup is laying on his back on his bed staring at the ceiling while feeling anchors & nausea in his stomach, Toothless must have felt the unease from Hiccup because he gently rests his head on Hiccup's chest then Hiccup pats Toothless head as he purrs with concern. "I'm alright bud I'm just feeling nervous about this" Hiccup lets out a loud groan as he keeps patting Toothless head.

His farther must of heard his groan because he's now walking up to Hiccup's room. "Are you okay son?" Hiccup sits up & Toothless moves his head so Hiccup can move & sit at the edge of the bed & looks up at his dad.

"You know dad I understand why I'm doing this but I still feel strange about it I've been peppering myself for this day so why do I feel weird?" "Maybe because she's your friend & you're worried you might lose her & ruin the relationship you two have now" Stoic says looking down at Hiccup as Hiccup looks down at the floor as he listens to his dad. 

"Son, what you're feeling is completely normal I even felt like this on my wedding day, knots were in my stomach I felt like I couldn't breathe & felt like I was going to barf" Stoic explain as he sits next to Hiccup & pats his back. "So what did you do" Hiccup asks. "Well I panicked inside at first but when I saw your mother walk in....I know that I was making the right choice" 

"What about the next day & years later? How did you know you made the right choice?" Stoic thinks about how to explain this & then he gets an idea on how to make him understand.    

"Marriage is like a dragon, it's rough at first but you never stop trying to figure out how to make it comfortable for the both of you to fly...after days months & even years of practice the both of you start to understand how to communicate with etch over when you're in the air, thank of the metal connecting rod representing your troubles...sometimes it's shiny & strong but over times it gets rusty & brakes...that's when you try to fix it but you know that it will get rusty again so don't stop trying to get back that strong bond & every time you make it stronger so it will last longer than it did before" Hiccup smiles. "That actually helped a lot thanks dad" Hiccup says with a smile receiving a hug from his farther. 

"& besides no one is telling you to change your friendship with her I'm not expecting you two to do anything tonight" Hiccup pulls away from his dad looking up at him with wide eyes. "What? If you're not expecting Astrid & me to do anything then why were you giving me those terrible talks?" "Well I had to it's part of tradition also it's fun to torture you" Stoic says with a chuckle.    

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