The heirlooms

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Chapter 8

The Hoffason house

Later that day Hiccup goes back to the Hoffason house Toothless following him, when they get their Hiccup knocks on the door then he hears Asmund calling for him to come in so Hiccup opens the door & sees Asmund sitting by the fire place. 

"Evening son people still giving you trouble about...?" Asmund asks pointing to Hiccup's neck. "Yeah a few are" Hiccup answers letting Toothless in the house & Asmund lets out a light chuckle as he gets out of his chair. "Oh don't worry it'll die down soon in a few years you might look back on this day & get a good laugh out of it" Asmund replies with a smile as Hiccup shrugs rubbing the back of his neck.

"Anyway let me get my things" Asmund walks into his bedroom & picks up a wooden box then he walks back into the front room holding the box in his hands & tells Hiccup to have a seat, so Hiccup sits at the dining table as Asmund places the box in front of him,  so Hiccup slides the box towards himself & takes off the lid setting it on the table then he picks up a bronze amulet with the letter H carved in the center & a dagger with some rust on the blade.

"Teas are the Hoffason family heirlooms, the tradition is to hand them down to the first born son on their 16th birthday...I obviously don't have a son but you're the closest thing I've got to one also you're turning 16 soon so it seems appropriate to hand them down to you" Asmund explains smiling while watching Hiccup looking at the objects in awe. 

 "Wow I...this is" Hiccup puts the amulet & dagger back in the box. "Thank you" Hiccup says smiling up at Asmund. "You deserve it for all you've dean for this village & Astrid" 

Asmund pulls out a chair & sits next to Hiccup. "She won't admit it but I haven't seen her smile like she does now since she was a little girl, after her mother died she put it on herself to be the best warrior this tribe has ever seen, she grow up too soon & I didn't try to stop her...back then I thought it was best for her to fight now I know different" Asmund puts a hand on Hiccup's shoulder before finishing his statement.

"She may never say it but I know she's grateful that you two became good friends" Then Hiccup gives Asmund a smile & thanks him as Asmund walks Hiccup & Toothless to the door, he knows he's made the right choice for Hiccup to handle those heirlooms. 

The Haddock house

 When Hiccup gets home with the wooden box in his hands he sees his farther looking at some papers then Stoic lifts his head up & notices Hiccup carrying the box. "What you got their son?" "Oh Mr Hoffason gave me some heirlooms" Hiccup answers placing the box on the table.

When Stoic looks to see what's inside Hiccup feeds Toothless fish. "Wow Hiccup do you have any idea how old these are?" Stoic asks looking at the dagger & amulet in his hands, Hiccup just shrugs & throws another fish at Toothless for him to catch. 

"Let's just say he must really trust you with these, I remember him wearing this amulet & carrying his dagger every day...he sow these as his children before he had Astrid...he said they originally belonged to his great, great, great grand farther" Stoic says. "He didn't tell me about that he just said that the first born son would get them on their 16th  birthday" Hiccup replies as his farther puts the dagger & amulet back in the box & puts the lid back

A thought wonders in Hiccup's mind. "Do we have anything that belonged to mum?" Stoic looks up at Hiccup before shaking his head. "Nothing you'd be interested in, it's just clothes & jewelry" Stoic says. "Can I see them?" Stoic is surprised that Hiccup is interested so he nods & they go into Stoic's bedroom then Hiccup sees his dad open the chest that is at the foot of the bed.

While looking at the clothes he notices his mother was small & he fingers he must of gotten his build from his mother. "Do you have a drawing or a panting of her?" Stoic shacks his head. "Sorry son, we never got to do a panting of her she was never known for staying still for a long time, she dreaded the idea of someone staring at her & not being able to move for a long time" Hiccup smiles as he hears his farther describing his mother, they hardly talk about her because it always brings back sad memories for his farther.

There is at least one thing he wants to know & he hopes that his further is ok talking about it. "How did you two meat anyway?" Stoic smiles as the memory comes to him. "You're mother & I always know etch over but we hardly talked...we became friends after I saw her walking out of the killing arena late at night she was tired & sore so I thought she was going to faint from walking, she told me the trainer made her do 100 push ups because she was saying not to hurt the dragons & she missed lunch & dinner, well I took pity on her & I cooked a meal for her & ever sins then we just got closer etch day"

"So mum wasn't the solider type uh?" Hiccup asks as they fold the clothes. "No but she was a fighter the trainer just didn't like how she did things so I decided to train her myself" "I bet that went bad" Hiccup mumbles, "What was that?" Stoic asks razing a brow. "Nothing" Hiccup replies as they continue folding the clothes.

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