The night in the great hall

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Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

The great hall

The next morning Hiccup, Astrid & their friends are gathered in the great hall while everyone else are still doing their morning chores, all of the dragons are gathered around the table resting on the floor as they hear their riders chatting, while Hiccup, Astrid & their friends are eating  their breakfast a few people come in to eat, as more people come in Hiccup, Astrid & their friends go about their business doing their normal routines, Fishlegs updating the book of dragons, the twins & Snotlowt having a strength competition & Hiccup & Astrid play a game that all six of them made up called what if. 

"What would you do if you were trapped on a island without your dragon?" Astrid asks Hiccup who taps his fingers on the table & presses his lips together. "I would make a boat" He answers proudly. "There are no trees on the island" She adds with a smug smile. "Then I guess I'll just what for someone to save me" "Lame" Astrid says. "It may be a lame answer but that doesn't mean I am" He smiles. "Are you sure?" She asks with a crooked smile, before Hiccup can reply he sees his farther walking to the head table then he turns & sees his farther beckoning him to come over.

So Hiccup gets up from his seat & walks over to his farther. "Son...I need you to help Bucket & Mulch put fish in the food storage" "What why?" Hiccup whines looking up at his farther. "Your friends can help, I just need you to help around the village before the freeze" Stoic explains watching his son roll his eyes "Ok...I'll round up the others" Hiccup says walking away from his farther. "Thank you son!" Stoic calls with a smile. 

"Hay guys, my dad asked us to help Bucket & Mulch with the fish" "Well, that sounds great & all...but I have plans...for the rest of the day" Snotlowt says before walking out of the hall. "Year us too" Ruffnut adds grabbing the back of Tuffnut's vest & Hiccup watches the twins & their dragon follow Snotlowt out of the hall. 

"Hay guys, my dad asked us to help Bucket & Mulch with the fish" Hiccup says. "Well, that sounds great & all...but I have plans...for the rest of the day" Snotlowt says before walking out of the hall. "Year us too" Ruffnut adds grabbing the back of Tuffnut's vest & Hiccup watches the twins &their dragon follow Snotlowt out of the hall. 

"Wimps" He giggles. "Ok I guess it's just going to be the three of us" Hiccup says looking down at Astrid & Fishlegs. "Sure Hiccup I'll help" Fishlegs says with a smile getting up from his seat. "Looks like you boys are going to need some help, so are we going to the docks or what?" Astrid announces getting up to walk out of the hall as the two boys steer at her as she walks out with Stormfly but not before gently punching Hiccup's arm. 

"Did she just...?" Fishlegs asks looking down at Hiccup."Yep she duos that a lot, I'm kind of used to her gently punching my arms" Hiccup says walking out with Toothless. "I don't think that's a good thing" Fishlegs adds before following them out of the great hall.    

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