The emotional explosion

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Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

The Haddock house

Later that evening Hiccup invites Astrid to eat over at his house & as much as she wants to stay home she needs to eat so she makes her why over to the Haddock house.

When she gets their she knocks on the door & Hiccup answers. "Hi Astrid" Hiccup says with a smile. "Hi Hiccup" She says as she takes his hand & he leads her in & shuts the door behind them. 

"Hay their Astrid nice to see you your just in time" Stoic says. "Hi chief" Hiccup smiles & pulls out a char from the table for Astrid. "Would you like a seat mi-lady?" Hiccup asks & she smiles at him then gives him a peck on his cheek. "Thank you sir" So she sits down then he sits next to her & smiles as his dad places 3 plats of stake on the table then he sits down & they eat. 

"So dad how was your day?" "Not so good son" Stoic sighs. "What happened dad? Was it Mildew again?" "Yes but it was also Spritlowt again" "What did they do this time?" Astrid asks. "Oh the same thing they've been doing sins you two got engaged moaning & complaining"    

"What did they say this time?" Stoic sigh's again. "Well Mildew is still insisting that before you got married you had already done 'IT' & will not stop" Hiccup stands up angry as Astrid looks down & he shots. "What! But we didn't I would never do that to her & plus I respect the marriage low & her, how dear they!" "Wow come down son come down" Hiccup takes a big breath & sits back down. 

"Okay as long as it's just him everything will be fine, it is just him who believes this...right dad?" Hiccup asks.  "Well son at first yes then over's started believing it too but I've managed to convenes them that you didn't but Mildew is still saying you did" Hiccup & Astrid sigh in relief. "Well that's something" Astrid says. "I suppose your right Astrid after all he has hated me ever sins I proved dragons are good, he has been trying to get rid of them & me so he'll take any chance to ruin me" Hiccup says. "Yes son I just don't know what to do with him"    

"What about Spritlowt what did he do?" Astrid asks. "Oh still moaning & complaining about the fact that your dad chows Hiccup instead of Snotlowt, he said" Stoic looks at Astrid worriedly. "He said what?" She asks, Stoic takes a big breath. "Okay Astrid stay calm about this, Hiccup you might want to hold her down" Stoic & Hiccup look at etch over & Hiccup can see in his dad's eyes what kind of thing Spritlowt said so he places his hands on her shoulders.    

"Ok Spritlowt said that Mr Hoffason chows Hiccup because his illness has damaged his head" Stoic says. "What?! How dear he I'm going to kill him!" She tries to move but Hiccup grabs her arms & holds them around her waist. "Hiccup!" "No Astrid trust me I understand but you need to come down" He say. "Come down, come down how can I come down he insulted my dad!" "Come down Astrid, anyway I already punched him today because he spoke badly about you two & your dad" Hiccup stair at him in shook. 

"What did he say about us dad?" Hiccup asks. "Well first he said he agrees with Mildew about you two, second he said that you two will split once Mr Hoffason is dead & then he said that if Mr Hoffason is going to die then he'd better do it soon instead of wasting the villages time his a crack fall anyway" Stoic replies. "What?! Now I really am going to kill him!" Astrid scrims, Hiccup keeps a tight hold of Astrid as she struggles to escape his grip.

Hiccup angrily shots. "Why that! That's going to far, he can speak badly about me & insult me but he can't speak badly about or insult Astrid & her dad that's just going to far!" "Come down son we need to come Astrid down" Hiccup sigh's & says. "Your right dad" So he gives her a soft hug what comes her down enough so he can let go. 

"Dad can I speak to you alone?" He asks. "Of cores son we can talk in my room" So Stoic gets up & goes to his room & before Hiccup follows he looks at Astrid & Toothless. "Now Astrid stay here & don't do anything crazy, Toothless keep her save & don't let her leave" So Toothless stands up & goes over to the door & sits in front of it so she can't leave then he grunts proudly. "Thanks bud" Then Hiccup goes into his dad's bedroom & shuts the door.

When he gets in the room he sees his dad sitting down & his dad looks at him with a smile. "So son what did you want to say to me?" Stoic asks. "Well dad I'm warred about Astrid & leaving her alone tonight, I was thinking she will want to go back to her dad's but I can't leave her alone with her so stressed because who knows what crazy thing she might do why she's like I was thinking seen as we are married I will stay with her at her dad's tonight just to mike shore she doesn't do anything crazy okay" He says. "That's a great idea son & your right" Stoic smiles at his son & hugs him. 

"Well done son I'm proud of're doing the right thing protecting your wife why respecting her wishes that's more then I did for your mum & plus your also protecting the village from her rage" Stoic says. "Thanks dad I'm glad you understand I'm going to take Astrid home I'll see you tomorrow, night dad" "Good night son & say buy to Astrid for me okay" "Okay dad" Hiccup walks out of his dad's room & back to Astrid. 

"Astrid" He says softly. "Yes Hiccup" She replies. "I'm going to take you home but I'm staying with you tonight because" She interrupts him. "Let me guess because you want to make sour I don't do anything crazy" She says. "Yes but it's also because for you" He says nervously. (The why he said that, does he care for me as more than a friend?) Astrid thinks to herself. 

"Now I'm going to go to my room to get some things then I'll be right back & we can go to your dad's ok?" He says. "Ok & thanks Hiccup" She smiles. "That's ok Astrid I am your husband after all & thaw we are just the same as before in are minds we are married so that means I can protect you even more now witch I love because I always worried about you when you went home angry...but now wear married I don't have to worry so much because I can calm you down" 

He runs up stars & grabs some of his things he needs for the night then he runs back down to Astrid who hugs him & smiles. "Come-on mi-lady let's get you home" She smiles. "Oh Hiccup you're so great" "Well thanks I just want to make sour you're okay physically & emotionally" So he put's his arm around her shoulders & walks her home while she rests her head on his shoulder.

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