Spritlowt's objecting

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Chapter 10

The cove

Later that night after Hiccup & Toothless fly around the island at sundown they go to the cove, while Toothless is drinking out of the pond Hiccup hears another dragon not far away from the cove so he turns around & sees Stormfly getting ready to land so he walks over to her & watches Astrid getting off. 

"Are you stalking me?" He asks with a smile. "No you're just really predictable" Astrid replies with a smile. "So what brings you here this late at this hour mi-lady?" Astrid smile fades giving him a glare. "Don't talk like that...it's weird" "Sorry I always wanted to say something like that" He says before clearing his throat. "But really what's going on?" He asks. "I just want to talk about....stuff" She says. "Stuff? What kind of stuff?" He asks crossing his arms over his chest.

 Astrid lets out a sigh. "Let me ask you something, have you ever wanted to hit someone so badly but you can't?" "What's Snotlowt done now?" "It's not Snotlowt I would hit him in a heartbeat, the people I want to hit are these annoying adults that I can't touch because there on the council" "The council? Who in the council?" "All of them but mostly Spritlowt"

"Spritlowt...why him?" Hiccup asks. "He's been trying to convince the rest of the councilman that we did something, your dad & Gobber have been trying to convince him that we didn't, once Snotlowt told his dad what the twins said he's been trying to get me out of any shield maiden practice" "He can't do that" "He tried I heard him talking to your dad about how I'm no longer a maiden after next month so I should stop training or if there's a chance that my purity has been ruined then I should get married right away, I just don't get why he's doing this!" She shots making the dragons look at her then she lets out a huff & sits in front of the pond crossing her arms & legs.

Hiccup lets out a sigh & sits next to her. "What did my dad say?" "He tried telling him that this whole situation is a big misunderstanding & that the date for the wedding stays the stays the same, I'm just mad that these so called mature adults are taking Spritlowt's side over Stoic's"    

"How many people are listening to Spritlowt?" Hiccup asks fearing what he would hear. "Oh not a lot I'd say about 5 maybe more, Mildew's having a field day about it & there are just enough people talking to make me crazy, dad thinks Spritlowt's mad because he chose you over Snotlowt but I don't know if that's it or not" Astrid replies throwing a pebble in the pond.    

Hiccup shrugs as he pulls his knees to his chest to rest his arms on them. "Maybe it'll die down in a few days, like you said it's just a small amount of people who are talking about it" "Talking about what? Oh you mean this" She pushes her finger on his bruise making him gasp in pain then he pulls her hand away & covers his bruise feeling pain shoot out across his neck then he turns to glare at her to only see her smiling. 

"Glad to see someone's feeling better even though it's because of the pain I my neck" "Well you're a pain in mine" Astrid says with a smirk & Hiccup lets out a light laugh before pulling his hand away. "Ok, ok I should have seen that one coming" He gets up from the ground & holds out his hand to Astrid who grabs it & pulls herself up.    

"I'm sorry that this happened" He stats watching her brush the dirt off of her skirt. "You're sorry? I'm the one that landed on your neck" Astrid says walking up to him. "Yeah but you know how clumsy I am if I didn't fall-" Astrid puts her hands on his shoulders & shakes him a little. "Hiccup just stop, it's no one's fault not mine, not yours maybe the twins, but that's how it happened I just wish some of those people were smart enough to not believe the twins"    

"Well like you said before...maybe Spritlowt's just mad that Snotlowt wasn't chosen & this is his why at getting back at your dad, I mean who knows why he's doing this I don't understand Spritlowt's logic, heck I don't understand Snotlowt's logic it must be a Jorgenson thing" Astrid breaths out a laugh & walks over to Stormfly who is resting by Toothless. 

"I have to say I feel better after talking to you Hiccup you're a very easy person to talk to" Hiccup shrugs. "Yeah I get that a lot" He grumbles walking up to Toothless who greets him with a purr. "You know what I mean" Astrid says as she mounts Stormfly looking down at him. "I'll see you tomorrow" She says before patting Stormfly's neck letting her know she's ready to go home.

Hiccup watches them fly off then when he hears Toothless purring behind him he turns around & scratches the top of Toothless head. "This is going to be a long month"

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