The wedding dress

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Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

The  dress seamstress

A few days passed & the families are finishing wedding preparations & Astrid has been dreading the idea of wearing a dress, when some of the woman heard Astrid needed a dress they wanted to take her out to find one but she didn't want to get fitted for a dress but they practically dragged her into it, when they are trying to help her decide what to were Astrid just wanting to hide but when two of the women she is with are arguing about witch dress is better she sneaks away to go home.    

The Hoffason's house

When she gets home she greeted by Stormfly who has just woken up in her pen then Astrid feeds her some chicken before walking into the house & calls out for her farther & then he walks out of his bedroom. 

"Your home early did you find a dress?" Asmund asks then she lets out a groan reliving the memory. "I take it that it didn't go well" He says. "It was awful! I know they mean well but their crazy" Astrid shots before sitting down at the table.    

"I just want something simple I don't want something big, colorful & heavy like all those women wear" Asmund gives her a smile then he walks back in his bedroom, she hears him shutting drawers before he walks back into the room holding a folded piece of brown clothing. 

"I don't know why I didn't think of this before but I think you're about the same size your mother was when we got married" Asmund unfolds the clothing to reveal a wedding dress then she gets up to get a closer look at the dress, it's the perfect dress it is made out of light brown soft material it has a V cut the sleeves are down to the wrists & it has a thick black belt around the waist, she takes the dress out of her father's hands to feel the soft fur on the neck & the sleeves.    

"I'm going to try it on" "Go ahead" Asmund replies with a smile as Astrid takes the dress & goes into her bedroom shutting the door behind her, a few minutes later she comes out of her bedroom wearing her mother's dress & Asmund looks at her in awe & smiles as she tacks a few steps closer to him.    

"Wow, I never realized how much you look like your mother" Astrid wraps her arms around herself feeling her face getting worm. "Really?" She asks with a grin. "She was about your age when she married me, I remember how much she wanted to become a shield maiden just like you" 

"Mum wanted to me a shield maiden?" Astrid asks. "Oh yeah in fact I met her when she was training, I was about 14 years old & I was walking in the woods one day when your mother throw a axe at a tree almost tacking my head off, she apologized & the next thing I know it was getting dark & we were still talking...ever sins then I walked her to training every day & we ate together almost every night, you're alot like her in many ways"    

"I didn't know mum was a shield maiden" She remarks but her farther shacks his head. "She never became a shield maiden but she was about to be, not long after her 15th birthday we got engaged but while we were married I encouraged her to stay in training, after we found out you were coming along your mother decided to quit training & put her focus on you" Asmund explains with a smile but he notes Astrid looking down at the floor.

"So I'm the reason mum never became a shield maiden?" She asks. "What? no it wasn't like that" Asmund gets on his knees to look at Astrid & he rests his hands on her shoulders getting her attention. "Your mother loved you so much that you became more important than becoming a shield maiden that's how much she loved you" After finishing his statement he sees a smile growing on her face.

Astrid clears her throat & takes a step back away from her farther. "I should get out of this dress I have plans with Ruff" "Oh okay then I suppose I'll see you later tonight" He says getting off of the floor looking at Astrid then she nods before walking into her bedroom & shutting the door behind her.    

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