The announcement

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Chapter 3

The dragon academy

The gang have been whiting for Hiccup & Astrid at the dragon academy because they were going to have a speed competition but they can't start until they are all present. "Were are they? What's taking them so long?" Tuffnut groans as he scans the sky for Toothless & Stormfly, just then they here the Night Fury rear & Hiccup & Astrid land on Toothless & Stormfly.

"Sorry we are late guys but we're here now" Hiccup says as they all get in line. "Where were you two?!"Snotlowt asks them then Hiccup & Astrid look at each over, they don't want to tell them just yet. "We were at a...meeting" Hiccup says quickly & Astrid nods in agreement. "There was a meeting? What was it about?" Fishlegs asks.

"Guys can we just get this competition over with! Hookfang & I are going to show you chumps how to fly with speed!" They all just groan at him. "Year right, Barth & Belch will definitely beat your one headed campfire!" Ruffnut gloats with her brother laughing in agreement as Hiccup rolls his eyes at the three of them bashing etch over again.

"Okay now we've got the trash talking off our chests who wants to go first?" Hiccup asks. "Oh Meatlug & I want to go first" Fishlegs shouts out. "Alright Fishlegs remember that once you retch that sea stack come back to your spot" Hiccup instructs pointing out the lone rock sitting out in the frozen water, Fishlegs nods & pats Meatlug head.

"Ok ready girl? Here we go!" Fishlegs says as Meatlug hovers over the ground & fly's off to the sea stack as Hiccup keeps count. "One Berkian, two Barkians, three Barkians" Hiccup stops counting once Meatlug lands back in the snow. " How did I do?" "50 seconds" "Yes! New personal best! Good job girl" Meatlug grunts in agreement.

 "50 seconds, ha! Hookfang cold beat that in his sleep!" Astrid rolls her eyes & crosses her arms at the boys. "Well! How abbot you just try & show us how fast you are then" Astrid says. "Yes I will try...hay what I minute" "Just go Snotlowt we don't have all day! Are you going to fly or not?!" Hiccup shots at him.

"Alright, alright let's go Hook-" He is about to finish what he's saying when Hookfang suddenly fly's off, the five of them can hear him screaming then he turns to get back to the starting point & when they land Snotlowt is griping to Hookfang's horns for dear life.

"H-how-how did we do?" Snotlowt asks as he shakes from the flight. "20 seconds" Snotlowt lets go of the horns & points at Fishlegs. "Ha In your face Fishlegs! I am the champ!" "Alright you two ready to go guys?" Hiccup says looking at the twins.

The blond siblings smile & tell their dragon to fly then they take off having a good start until they reach the sea stack & turn, one of the heads hit the side of the sea stack & they start to lose control then the Zippleback crashes on the starting point as they groan in pane. "How many seconds was that Hiccup?" Ruffnut asks as she holds her head. "28 seconds" Tuffnut throws a fist in the air as Ruffnut cheers in pain.

"Alright my turn! Let's go Stormfly" Astrid says & Stormfly takes off to the ocean as Hiccup keeps counting & stops once she lands. "8 seconds" "Alright I'll count now" she says to Hiccup.

"Ready Toothless?" Toothless pours & gets ready when he hears the click of the two prosthetic's he opens his wings up. "Alright Toothless let's go" Astrid counts why'll Hiccup fly's & lands back. "5 seconds" "Of course he won the Night Fury is the fastest dragon!" Snotlowt says only receiving groans from everyone earls, then there is a horn blowing in the distance.

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