Mildew's moaning

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Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

The Hoffason house

The next morning Astrid wakes up in her bedroom& she rubs her eyes trying to get the dry crust out of them, she flinches at the touch of the cold metal of her ring when it brushes against her face then she pulls her left hand away from her face to look at the ring, she pulls her ring off & starts to play with it between her thumb & pointer finger.    

While looking at her ring she thinks about her wedding night, she thought about how nervous she felt but she didn't understand why...she know he wouldn't do anything to her he was her best friend &nothing else, but she couldn't help thinking about the 'what if' scenarios,like what if she married someone she barely know, would they keep their distance or force himself on her? What if her farther picked one of the over guys? Would any of them let her move back in with her dad to care for him? Or what if she & Hiccup didn't listen to their feelings & decided to be with each over? Would they become closer or distant from each over? Just the last thought makes her stomach curl so Astrid shakes her head trying to get the thought out of her mind.    

Astrid breaths out through her nose before putting the ring back on then she gets up of her bed & makes her why to her father's room, she hadn't told him that she had moved back in yet she wanted to tell him last night but she didn't want to wake him, Astrid slowly opens her father's bedroom door & sees him sleeping so she shuts the door quietly before walking back to her room to get dressed.

After she cleans herself up she walks out of the house & greets Stormfly. "Hay girl, want to stretch out your wings before we fly?" She can tell Stormfly understood her, Stormfly walks out of her pen & nudges Astrid who responds by patting her nose before mounting.

Storage hut 

While they are in the sky Astrid notices a group of people gathering in front of the food storage so she tells Stormfly to land to see what's going on, once she dismounts she sees Stoic & Gobber disputing with Mildew then she sees Hiccup running to where his father & Gobber are standing in front of them to look at the crowd.

"They don't mean any harm they're just dragons being dragons!" She hears Hiccup say as she tries to get through the crowd, Stoic puts his hand on his son's shoulder & stands in front of him. "Look Mildew, if there's a problem I'll deal with it!" "Oh, there's a problem Stoic!" Mildew growls as he puts his face in front of the chief then he turns to the crowd to finish his statement. "& I think I speak for everyone when I say you better do something about it"    

While Mildew is leaving the crowd start shouting at the chief, both Hiccup & Gobber glare at the people who are declaring Mildew is right, while Hiccup is looking at the crowed he sees Astrid & he runs to her. 

"What is going on!?" Astrid shouts over the crowd, Hiccup grabs her arm & pulls her away from the crowd so he can hear her then Astrid repeats her question once they are far from the riot. 

"Oh some dragons were at Mildew's house last night...the dragons must have been eating his cabbages...again" He says. "So pretty much nothing new" Astrid replies, Hiccup shrugs before a thought comes to him. "So how's your dad?" Astrid lets out a sigh & hangs her head down. "Pretty much the same as yesterday not better, not worse just the same" She mutters thinking about her farther lying in bed with that blood filled rag.

Hiccup looks at her & puts his hand on her shoulder pad then she lifts her head up but keeps her eyes on the ground. "I'm really sorry Astrid I really wish I could help" He sees her wrap her arms around herself as she stars at her boots then she lifts her head giving him a smile. "I know you do but I need to clear my head before I go back home" "Do you want Toothless & me to come with you?" Hiccup asks gesturing to Toothless who starts to make his way over to them.  

Astrid looks at the two of them before nodding. "Yeah" She answers with a whisper as Hiccup gives her a smile before they make their why to leave the plaza, while their walking with their dragons Spritlowt sees them & he makes no thought of it until he notices something.

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