Needs to be said

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I know I don't thank you guys enough for voting, commenting, and just even giving this story a chance and I know I should more but I don't like to gloat. But take this message as a BIG thanks for everything you guys have done for me and my stories.

I have almost 30k on this story which is just mind-boggling, I can't even fathom a number that big. It's so heartwarming to see a story that, at the time, I was so passionate about writing. In my mind, as I wrote that story I wasn't going to be stopped, even if only one person enjoyed my content I would continue writing. It was because of how much love and support this story got that a month later, I gained the confidence to write Raspy Asylum.

I was hyped to write rapsy, after obsessing about the idea for months I had finally begun to write it and I was thrilled. I enjoyed every part of writing that story and was bummed when I realized my dream ending couldn't come true with the way the current story was going. Too many plot holes led to my ending being too confusing, which is why it never got published. I ran away from that story, afraid to face it until now in fear of anger for not finishing it.

It was a while until I published my next story, Mark and the Borrower. I needed an outlet from Mark and the tiny Youtuber as I began to become uninspired by the story but drove myself to finish it, not wanting it to be another unfinished story. Mark and the Borrower was the perfect story that I could write about during that time. Gaining confidence in my writing abilities again which in turn came with more ideas.

Then Mark and the Shrunken Fan. I can't even explain this one. I've only published 2 chapters and it was ranked #36 in giants, TWO chapters. This story was just some silly idea I came up with a wrote during my Florida trip that I decided to come back to it since I liked its content. I upped the creep factor and made a vow to always have over a thousand words in this story. I'm so awed at how well accepted this new story is and it always puts a smile on my face when I read people's reactions.

I've of course struggled through the years, not updating for months and yet you guys are still just as excited whenever I publish a new chapter and I can't thank you all enough for sticking through all my slow updates. I don't know if stories I'm writing now and will be writing would even exist if you guys weren't here to enjoy it.

I'm excited to see where this writing journey will take me and I hope you all are ready for the long ride. I have plenty of ideas to come, some G/t related and some normal youtuber stories. I even have ideas for other fandoms in the workings. I hope you all have your seat belts on as my goal is to publish most of my story ideas, which would equal 20+ more stories!

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