Ch 4 - The Month Comes to an End

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Copywrite to VedaPettigrew

I was never going to fit in. I can honestly say I gave it more than a fair shot. I took my time to watch the pack. I made no snap judgements. Well, ok I made more than a few, but in my defence I was so out of my comfort zone it was too easy to see problems at every turn.

I was depressed beyond anything I have ever experienced. I know I will just wither and die in this environment.

The collar.

The leash.

No please or thank you, just orders and obedience.

Watching people be treated as lesser, just because they were born with an omega wolf.

Watching women being downtrodden, never allowed an opinion.

Men decided our every move. When we woke, when we ate, how much we ate, where we were allowed to go, what hobbies we were to do or not to do, what we were permitted to wear, what we could own, whether we could watch tv or listen to the radio, how we styled our hair, even how long we had to keep our hair.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

It's exhausting to be considered less significant because I have female genitalia.

Apparently The Origins say we are weak and need protecting. Even if that is true, I cannot believe this oppression is what was meant to happen.

I can't lie, there are some aspects of pack life I love, and could love more if it was encouraged throughout the whole pack. The potential for friendship and family bonds is phenomenal. But it's wasted among all the stiff-necked wolves, incapable of empathy.

My lovely group of Loyal Ladies had been my secret rock.

They scared me with how much they were braving on my behalf. The conversation with the sewing bee had just been the first of many. They knew everything about everybody.

Who was dating who. What hobbies everyone had. Which men were unhappy with Grandfather's rule. Which ones loved it. Which women hated Grandmother, there were a lot. Who wanted different positions to the ones they held. Where the Lowers met secretly, to share gossip and contraband, like sweets and magazines from the closest town. Where the keys of the house were kept. What state the prisons were in, worse than human prison but better than some other packs. How many prisoners we had, fifteen at the moment.

A plethora of titbits, discovered because nobody thought to stop conversations in their presence, as they weren't important enough to worry about. The Loyals could seriously damage the pack with all their knowledge. Which was ironic considering how they were viewed.

I had secret notes under my pillow on days when I struggled with a harsh aspect of my new life. They gave me strength and joy.

So far, none of our names ended up in the Sin box for what was happening, and I really hoped they never would.

I have been helping on occasion in the infirmary and it became apparent that my healing was far quicker and more effective than anybody else's.

I put it down to the fact that as far as I could tell, nobody had a relationship with their wolves the way I did with mine. Nobody ever mentioned their wolf. I talk about my wolf all the time. Silver's a massive part of my life.

When they shifted into wolf form, their personality was the same as in human. I can keep my personality while I'm running, but I often let Silver take over. She runs better than me and is way stronger when I give up control.

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