Ch 13 - A Terrible Ultimatum

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Copywrite to VedaPettigrew

The Ocean was filled with dancing women.

I mean filled.

If we got any more Starfish we were going to have to find a bigger room.

In front of me there were women from every status, even ones from the Lower Packhouse and Warrior Barracks. Fortunately the laundry room had a door leading directly outside to the drying yard. It made sneaking them in much easier.

What had started a few weeks ago with Lacy and Sophie had gone from a trickle to a river. Each woman telling her friends, who told theirs, who told theirs. They were all hungry for acceptance and respect, and found it in this room with me and each other.

Miracle after miracle had come from Ori. She had swept through the women, giving a wolf to everyone who came to her and asked. They began to realise that they were loved by the most important being, the creator, the giver of wolves, and it changed them.  

Barriers had been broken down; standoffishness become openness, impatience reversed, intolerance became acceptance. They found self-worth and acknowledgment that their value was greater than the men gave us. Seeing them bloom through being loved was wonderful.

And most amazing? My Loyal Ladies in the centre of it. The newer women that came looked up to them, their wolves submitting to the first of their new pack.

Our miniature pack of two had become a small pack of over a hundred women.

And possibly one man.

Marcus had seen the change in Fiona and had come to me demanding I tell him what I'd done. So I told him everything. I knew I was just repeating Fiona, but he needed to hear it again. It was worth every moment when I saw him on the training field a few weeks later with a much larger tan-coloured wolf by his side.

As soon as I had set foot on the field it had come bounding over and, astounding everyone who could see him, submitted to me. Marcus had stood in shock.

Silver did what she did with every newcomer and licked his exposed neck, accepting him into our pack. The Starfish Pack. Marcus looked at me wide eyed, completely unsure what to do.

It was far out of his realms of normality and he didn't know how to react. I mind-linked him, as ever enjoying the small flinch of surprise, telling him it was okay. I would be happy to talk to him when he was ready. I told him to ask Fiona about it.

Which was another exciting thing. Fiona and he were true mates. It was sealed when he got his wolf and they recognised each other immediately. Fiona was giggling like a schoolgirl when she told us they had just stood and looked at each other for about thirty minutes before either of them could pull themselves together.

She had had an inkling when Melly her wolf came. But until his wolf Felix appeared, she wasn't sure. I like to tease her about her crush on Alpha Alpha Griffin, because now it's gone completely. She looks at me in wonder that she could ever have thought of another man like that.

I knew from conversations that not all women had the same fortune. Most of these matches that had been made with business in mind, sadly stayed just that. These poor women were trapped for the moment. But I had hope for them, I didn't know what was going to happen, but there was so much more to come.

I could feel it in my gut.

There was a knock at the door and Joan opened it to reveal Fiona and a shocked Marcus. He looked at all the women in the room with astonishment. Fiona rolled her eyes at his gaping mouth and pulled him over to me.

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