Oh My God!

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Song :: Airplanes by B.o.B ft. Haley Williams

Chapter 6

*Noah's POV*

"So, Noah..." Her dad says. Liss was in the kitchen making food for everyone. It smelt great and I want to go in there and help. Wait did I just give her a nickname? "Tell us about yourself."

We are all having a beer, sitting outside at the small picnic table not far from Liss' apartment.

"Well, I recently turned 20, I work for Lee Publishing (idk if it's real), Not only one of the most well known publishing companies, but also one of the most stable jobs I have ever had." I say, I love flaunting my job at Lee, I feel powerful.

"Wow, well that's great!" Todd says. (if you forgot, it's Lissa's grandpa.)

"Ya, and I love it, I don't live to far from here, maybe 30 minutes at the most." I say.

"That's great." Liss' grandma says.

"So tell me Noah, how did you and Aylassa meet?" Her sister, Rose, I think it is.

"Well, um, her friend Andy, and my friend Jayden are dating, so they set us up." I say, I wasn't sure if they knew Andy or not.

Right as my thoughts come to a finish, Andy's Red car pulls up, her running over, Jayden dragging behind.

"Oh my god! Rose! Papa! Grammy! My second mother and father!" Andy exclaims, seeming happy to see Liss' family.

They all get up and hug her as I walk over to Jayden. We do our little bro-hug and start to talk.

"So, I can see the date went well?" he asks me.

"Very. I even got a kiss on the lips the first night." I say, making it sound like I'm superman.

"Well, that's pretty good. Andy told me she wants to take it slow this time... something about a past relationship." He says.

Okay, that caught me off guard. What did her ex do that could be that bad?

"Anyway, where is your eye candy?" He asks me looking around.

I laugh at his word choice. "Shes making dinner."

"She cooks?" he asks and I nod with a devious smirk playing on my lips.

"Dude, you got a keeper." He says hitting my shoulder playfully.

"Well, what about you?" I ask nodding my head towards Andy who is sitting with Liss' family like their hers.

"I am so happy man. I think I finally found a girl who loves me the way I love her." he says.

"Wow, love? I didn't know you dug that deep." I have never heard him say he loves a girl before.

"Yeah, I know. But I do, I love her. She's like my new everything." He says looking at her.

"Dude, stop, I might barf." I say jokingly.

"Don't worry, you'll fall hard on your face, while you sit on your ass, and then Aylassa will come and yank you off of it." He says. For some reason, I feel like it couldn't be more true.

"So, go see your girl man." he says pushing my towards her apartment.

I smile at the though of her being mine.. Maybe I am on my ass.

When I get up the stairs, sure enough, there is Liss, in tight black leggings and a hoodie. Her hair is up in a messy bun, and she could not look more beautiful.

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