More Then You Know

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Hey guys!!! The ring is on the side! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!?!?

Okay, onto the chapter


Song:: Marry You By Bruno Mars

Chapter 19

It had been weeks since Andy took me out to get better. It honestly worked. Believe me, I was still super upset about the whole baby thing, but then we started talking, and we can just try again.

So as me and Jake walked hand in hand down to the fountain, he said he loved it there, because the sun hit my face perfectly.

He was such a cheeseball.

"Babe, what are you doing?" I ask him as he pulls me into him for a hug.

"Can we talk?" He asks me.

"Okay." I say a bit surprised, I mean I'm almost ever relationship, it's the girl saying that to the guy, I just hope that's not the point of this talk.

"So, we have been going out for a long time now." He says, taking my hands in his.

"Yes." I say, basically asking for him to continue.

"Wait come out here." He says pulling me into the middle of Sidewalk traffic.

"Jake! What are you doing?" I ask giggling at him.

He starts to get down on one knee. "Jake, what are doing?" I ask him as he reaches into his pocket.

My hands go over my mouth as he takes out a little box, and opens it, a gasp falling from my mouth. The ring inside was beautiful, shining brightly.

"Alyassa Marie White, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Your my best friend, my girlfriend, and the only woman I truly, deeply love on this entire earth. You are my savior, and I don't know how else to repay you. But it would make me the happiest, and luckiest man alive, if you would do the honor of excepting this ring, and becoming my wife." He says. I was still in shock, my brain had no time process what was happening, and my hands still covered my mouth.

"Yes. Oh my god, yes!" I said, and he smiled widely at me. He stood, sliding the ring onto my finger. As soon as it was on, my arms wrapped tightly around his neck, pulling him into a kiss.

'Awww' was heard throughout the crowd that had somehow surrounded us. I smiled widely as I pulled away, nodding again.

We started to walk back home, and I started freaking out. "Did we really just get engaged?" I ask him, still not able to fathom the events that have just taken place in my life.

I was getting married. To my best friend.


It was so short, I know! IM SORRY!! I STILL NEED LOVE EVEN THOUGH IM NOT MAN! I'm sorry, it's like late for me, so ima just eat a poptart. or nah.
You guys are so amazing, I will give you more tonight because I haven't updated in forever! IM SO SORRY!
I love you beautiful xx


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