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Hey guys, so I don't even remember the last time I updated but it's about time I gave you more... Your welcome! love ya all ❤️💁


Song:: Fireproof By One Direction (shut up I love it so much you don't even know just listen to it gosh! Rude)

Chapter 16

*Lissa's POV*

As we sit in the car, Jake's hand lays comfortably on my thigh. We stop at a stop sign, in an empty road.

"Jake, pull over please." I say. He does so after pulling forward and to the side of the road. I take off my seat belt, and I look at him, my chin propped up on my knuckles.

"What?" he asks confused, looking over his appearance to make sure he didn't have anything on his face. "okay if there's nothing on my face why are looking at me?" he asks me.

"Nothing, I just love you." I say as I climb over the center Consul of the car and onto his lap.

"Babe.." he says as I start to kiss him. I wrap my arms around his neck as his muscular ones come around my waist. He pulls at my bottom lip with his teeth, earning a small moan from me.

I entangle my fingers in his hair as I pull at his roots. His hands grasp my hips and bring me even closer, as though it was possible.

I pull away and climb over to my seat again. I look back over at him, and his bottom lip is pouted out. I lean over and kiss it in which he try's to deepen but I pull away to quickly.

"Come on we have a place to be." I say as he sighs and turns to car on again.

"Well I better be able to have something once we get home." he mumbles.

"What was that?" I ask even though I clearly heard him.

"Nothing babe."


As we pull up to Andy and Jayden's house, I see Johnny and Beatrice run out. I get out and I pick up Johnny. Jake gets Beatrice. We hug them and walk in, only Jake holds Beatrice's hand and I carry Johnny who's only 3.

"Hey!!" Andy says as she pulls me into a tight embrace. Jayden and Jake do a bro hug, they became friends really quickly.

"How are you?" Andy asks as I set Johnny down and we walk away from the guys.

"I'm good, but you know why I'm not great." I say.

"I still don't understand you, your so skinny and really small you should want to keep that. Or at least wait until he pops the question." She says as we sit down.

"Well if I do get pregnant then won't he have to?" I ask her.

"I don't know, he might not." She says honestly. Beatrice and Johnny come over to us, and Johnny sits in my lap, as Beatrice does the same with Andy.

"Well, I guess you can keep trying." She says as hopeful for me as she can.

"Thanks babe." I say as we kiss checks and head into the living room where her family and Jake sit and watch the football game.

"Jake!" I call out. He looks over at me smiling.

"Ya babe?" He asks.

"Hey she's my babe not yours! Back off my lady!" Andy says as he comes and takes Johnny with a smile.

"Don't count on that." He says back to her.

"Don't be so full of yourself." She says as sits down next to Jayden and they kiss.

God her family is perfect. I want it so badly. I want a family so badly.

"Jake I wanted to talk to you." I say.

"Yes?" he asks as he walks over to me.

"You ready to go home?" I ask him, sliding a finger along the line of his boxers.

"Tempting little thing tonight aren't you." He says.

"Well maybe I'm ready for you now." I say as I bite my bottom lip.

He takes my hand, pulling me towards the car. I giggle a little as we make it back to our house, which is his older one.

We make it inside and he starts kissing me immediately. He closes the door, separating our lips for a few second to remove his shirt, and mine, only to connect them again. Skin touching skin.


The scene before me looked something out of a romance novel. The hot guy laying there under the covers, his hair ruffled, his chin grazing with a 5 o'clock shadow. A picture of pure, full, beautiful art.

As I joined him on the bed again, he pulled me closer to him, not once did he open his eyes. I could feel him smiling against my neck, giving it a soft feathery kiss.

"Hey babe?" I ask him.

"Hmm?" he asks back, eyes still closed.

I turned so that my face was towards his, so he could see my face when he opened his eyes, I know he will.

"So I was wondering..." I say trailing off, waiting for a response telling me to continued.

"That's dangerous." He says smirking.

"Yeah. So I was wondering if you ever wanted a baby." I ask, trying to keep it at a level topic.

"A baby?" he asks me, one eye opening.

"Ya, you know. Someday?" I ask, even though that someday may be soon, because my period should have started today, but it didn't.

"For you, I would do anything. So any day." He says. As I'm about to tell him, he stops me to continue. "I'm sure that I will never be ready for it, and I sure as hell won't know what I'm doing, but if you want a baby, even if you want one right now, then that's fine. I'll do it for you."

"Jake..." I say, almost in tears. "Jake.. I missed my period."

"What does that..." he starts to ask but then he realizes it.

"That's why I asked."

"Wait, wasn't it suppose to be today?"

"Yes." I say, my voice sounding shaky.

"And you didn't get it?" he asks sounding a little more calm then more.

"No." I say as I look down at the sheets.

"Then we better start shopping." He says.

I look up at him, my eyes brimming with tears. "Don't cry okay babe?" he says as he gently kisses me.

I nod my head, throwing my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me, and hugging him tightly.

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