It'll Be You And I

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Here's a new chapter!! yay!

1. I didn't think this would get more then 50 or so reads.

2. The description if this book will be in the book at some point

3. Lissa reminds me of Elsa from Frozen

4. This is question I must ask myself every time, what is happening with Lissah Ana Jalissa


Song :: Rhythm Of Love By Plain White Ts

Chapter 11

*Jake's POV*

"Hi, Grandma." I say as my arms grips around Lissa a little tighter.

"Jake!" She says, seeming excited. I let go of Lissa and give my grandma a quick hug.

She looks at Lissa and Lissa gives her a hug. I know my grandma likes her.

"How are you two?" She asks us.

Wow, we're an us now. I don't know how it happened so fast, but it just did. I feel kinds bad, like a rebound because now she isn't with Noah, but she doesn't remember hi at all, which isn't helping.

"I'm good, and in pretty sure Jake's good." Lissa answers for me. I smile down at her, happy that she is here so it's not as hard for me.

"That's good." my grandma says.

"So, tell me, are you two dating?" She asks. I loo at her, my eyes slightly wide. Her hazel eyes meet with mine, and I can already feel Lissa looking at me.

"Yes." Lissa says as she grabs my hand. My head snaps over to her, did she just admit to it? Does she really not care?

"Wonderful!" My grandma says.

I can't keep my gaze off Lissa, studying her every feature, her every movement.

She grabs her head lightly, I don't know what's happening to her. slightly alarmed I kneel down in front of her as I look at her.

Her eyes start to go a little wide as she stops grabbing her head.

"What? What happened?" I ask her.

"Noah...." She says as she looks off.

This is the moment I was afraid of. As I sit there and look up at her, expressionless she stands up, and starts to walk out. This is the last thing I wanted.

"Lissa!" I call after her, but she ignores me and she continues down the hallway and out of the building.

"Lissa wait!" I call after her again. This time she turns around, tears stream down her cheeks, and that shatters my heart. You did that you ass, it's all your fault.

"Why? So you can not tell me anything and try to help me remember? So that I can be lied to? So that I never remember anything about Noah, so that he just dies appears from my memory at your connivence?" She asks me.

It hurts to hear it, and it hurts to admit, but it was true. I didn't want her to remember Noah, how the kisses and went out, how he made her lose her memory at my connivence.

And the thing that sucks the most is that she knows it.


I know super short, but I felt like updated just a little for y'all so this is just a filler in the story, so stay tuned for more!

Not today... maybe.. I don't know anymore.

Love y'all! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


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