Baby Maker

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Song:: Change My Mind By One Direction

Chapter 17

*Lissa's POV*

Two months. Two whole months with out a period, with lots of puking and I feel the need to eat so much food.

We got a pregnancy test today, just to check, even though it's pretty obvious.

As I walk into our bathroom, I stare at the box in front of me. I was about to find out if I was going to have a baby.

As I took the test, this feeling of nervousness built up inside of me, but also a new joy I have never felt before.

I flush the toilet, standing at the skin. I look at the test. Two bars. Two whole bars.

"Babe..." I say as I continue to look at it, still in shock.

"Yeah?" He asks pooping his head in.

"We.... its... two bars." I say, not able to make clear sentences.

He gives me the happiest look I have ever seen on his face, and I run and jump on him, hugging him to death.


As we leave the hospital, we know for sure that we have a baby. We're not sure if it's a boy or a girl yet, but it's okay, because we're having a child.

"Jake... We're having a baby." I say, smiling up at him.

"Lissa... Our child is going to be so beautiful." He says as he leans down and kisses me.

As we get into our house, we walk into the living room, a box, a bunch of paper and some pencils.

"So what's our kid going to be like?" Jake asks me.

"Well their gonna be smart, kind, caring for all, a blonde with blue eyes, a cheerleader if it's a girl, a football player if it's a guy. An athlete for sure. Their going to be good with technology, and love to read, and will be a good writer." I say.

"And their going to have your smile, and they are going to be popular, a great kid. The one person everyone turns to for help when they need it and the one who can turn to people when they need it. And they are going to have the best people for friends. And they are going to be big family people. And you know what else, they are going to love everyone who comes into their lives. And their going to fall in love." He says, writing it down on the paper.

He puts it in the box and closes it.

"We will keep this and everything we wrote down is going to be true about him or her." He says as he kisses my head.

"I love you." I say, smiling at him.


3 A.M.


I wake up, something wet surrounds me, and my stomach hurts like hell.

"Jake..." I say, trying to wake him up. "Jake wake up, there's blood and it hurts."

"What?" he asks as he looks over at me.

"Jake..." I cry out, hot tears streaming down my face. He gets up immediately, picking me up and taking me to the car. He puts my seatbelt on, and runs around the car.

We ride in silence as he speeds to the hospital. It's so uncomfortable, and his expression is so mixed it's hard to pick a main one.

Anger, sadness, hope, depression. All one new emotion.

And as we pull in and he carries me, I know what's happened, but I don't want to believe it.

The doctor walks back into the room where me and Jake sit.

"Mrs. Maxwell, I'm sorry, but you have had a miscarriage."

And that's the first time I felt like the world stop spinning, my heart stopped beating and my lungs stopped working.

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