Im Getting Married

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Song:: We Found Love By Rihanna

Chapter 20

I pulled out my phone when we got home, Jake went to make us some lunch and I went into the room, calling my mom first, knowing she would be overjoyed.

It rang about three times before my dad's voice came through the phone. "Did he do it?" Was the first thing he said to me.

"Did who do what?" I asked him, his question throwing me off my train of thought.

"Did Jake ask you to marry him?!?" My moms voice cut in, obliviously on the other phone.

"YOU KNEW!" I almost scream. I can practically see my dads bright smile and my moms teary eyes through the phone.

"Well I guess I'll move on down my list, since you just like to learn about my life and not fill me in!"

"I'm sorry, but I was sworn to secrecy." My dad says, and I can basically feel him look over at my mom.

"Well thanks mom. I need to go, some more people I need to tell." I tell them both happily.

"Who? Andy?" My dad butt in.

"Maybe." I tell him.

"Just don't break your eardrums darling." My mom says, pretending to have an English accent.

"Mom, no. Stop." I tell her, my hand going over my eyes. we both chuckled at her, me and my dad. She was so different then other moms I knew. And I loved her for that.

"Okay but your filling me in on everything sweetheart." my mom bluntly says into the phone.

"Okay tiger, I love you both. Bye."

"Bye." they said as the lines went dead.

I sighed to myself, as I dialed Andy's number, gazing at the ring. The phone started to ring, casing me to almost jump with excitement again. It seemed to ring forever, wen finally Jayden picked up.

"Hello?" He says into the phone.

"Hey may I speak to your wife." I said, he obviously didn't recognize my voice, and I only got conformation when he asked me the stupidest question.

"Who's this?" He asks me.

I couldn't help myself so I said, "It's Jake from State Farm."

"Oh, hey Aylassa." he says, handing the phone over towards someone.

"Hey babe, hows life?" She asks me, practically smirking through the phone.

"Guess what?" I ask her, I was going to be so happy to hear her reaction, and I couldn't help but chuckle lightly to myself.

"What?" She asks me.

"I'm engaged." I tell her, looking at my ring again.

"WHAT!?!?" She screams into the phone. I had to move it away from my ear, and even with my arm fully extended I could hear her.

I sighed, becoming really happy. "I know right?! I still can't believe it myself." I told her.


"Well, how about I come over to your house soon so we can plan... maid of honor!!!" I told her, happily smiling and jumping around like a crazed teenage girl.

"WHAT?!?!" She screams again. And then I hear a sniffle. "Oh my god, this means so much to me."

Before I could tell, tears started to brink at my eyes too. "Stop crying! Your making me cry." I say as I chuckle and whip away the happy tear.

"I'm sorry. But just get your butt over here!" She says.

I smile, walking around the house. I see Jake in the kitchen, with lunch made. I run up to his back that had been turned away from me, and I jump on it, wrapping my legs around his waist.

"What are doing?" He asks me.

"Give me your money." I tell him, smiling into his ear.

"What money?" He asks me.

"The money that you should be giving to me right now." I say.

I just sit there, gazing over my fiancée's shoulder as he set up Mac and Cheese. I giggled in his ear as he would say some cheesy remark about me or him, or our relationship. And I knew this moment was perfect.

And yet, I still couldn't get over the fact that I was going to be getting married.

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