Part 1

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Nico POV

I lay awake in the Hades cabin. The war is over, so many people were injured. But, not all of us survived. When that Octavian guy catapulted himself up to where Jason, Piper, and Leo were fighting, a huge explosion filled the sky. Jason and Piper are okay now, safe in the infirmary, but Leo, he died. My sister Hazel and I felt him die. I couldn't really believe it to tell you the truth. But yet, he was dead. Octavian also died, but I'm not complaining. We couldn't find Leo's body, but I know he's dead.

For the last few days, I've been locking myself in my cabin. Hazel came into the cabin with Frank trailing behind her. They came in laughing. It's good to see her happy with someone. Hazel looked at me, sat down next to me and hugged me.

"Hazel!" I squirmed away from her.

She giggled, her curly brown hair was put into a bun for the time being. "Come on Nico, I'll be leaving tomorrow," Hazel poked out her bottom lip.

I sighed and hugged her. I glanced at Frank, he looked away from Hazel and stared at the ground. Hazel let go of me and smiled, but I could see a hint of sadness in her amber-gold eyes. Probably because she's leaving and the death of Leo. I stood up and walked over to Frank, he appeared to shrink a little. That made me feel kind of good, a huge guy like Frank can be frightened by someone like me. But, at the same time, I didn't want everyone to be afraid of me. I nodded and patted him on the back.

"You know what, if anyone would be with my sister, I'm glad it's you."

Frank sighed in relief and brushed his short hair black with his hand. "Thanks," Frank smiled at Hazel.

I sat back down on my bed. "I'll see you guys soon. I'll be the flower boy at you're guys' wedding."

Frank blushed like crazy and went out of the Hades cabin. Hazel narrowed her eyes at me.

"You just had to, didn't you?"


Hazel rolled her eyes and went after Frank.

"See you at the campfire!" She hollered.

I nodded and laid back down on the bed. I felt my eyelids become heavy as I dozed off.

* * *

I woke up with horns blaring into my ears as they always do when it's mealtime, though most of the time I can sleep through it. I sat up and went out to the dining grounds. I sat down at the Hades table. Hazel came over after chatting with Piper. Chiron and Reyna were talking to each other. After everyone was seated Chiron asked for silence.

"Tomorrow, our friends, will be leaving and going home, so we will have a feast in their honor." He turned to Reyna. "Thank you, we much appreciated your presence." Everyone cheered around me. Chiron raised his hand for silence once more. "We also honor the ones who have fallen. Who sacrificed themselves for us."

An eerie silence fell over the camp.

After a while, Reyna started to speak. "After dinner, we will gather around the campfire, one last time."

Nymphs came out and started to pass out food, but I wasn't very hungry, so I just got a slice of pizza. I nibbled on it a bit.

After a while, it was time for us to gather around the campfire. I trudged to the campfire and sat down in the back. My eyes scanned the crowd, my eyes stop on a blonde boy, with vibrant blue eyes. Will Solace. He was laughing and talking to his siblings. He looked back at me, our eyes locked. I looked away and blushed.

Why am I blushing?

I glanced at Will one more time, he was looking down. My heart cracked, I knew he didn't want to be my friend.

Wait, why do I care?

I looked back at him, I saw a smile tug at his lips. I smiled to myself. Maybe he didn't hate me after all. I shook my head.

Don't get your hopes up...

They started to sing, I just listened. It was nice to have all the demigods all together. I was going to miss Hazel. After a while, every one started back to there cabin. I and Hazel headed to our cabin. I flopped onto my bed. I stared at the wall and sighed. I started to feel my eyelids start to grow heavy. I started to dose off. Once I fell asleep my mind was filled with darkness.

"Hello?" I cried out.

I heard a familiar voice call back.

"Nico, help me!" I heard my sister Bianca yell.

I saw her at the end of the darkroom.

"Bianca!" I ran towards her, but it seemed that I only became farther away from her.

"Please!" She cried.

I fought back the tears and raced along with the darkroom. I raced faster until I couldn't even see her. I dropped to my knees in exhaustion. I heard a blood-curdling scream from behind me. I whipped around and saw Bianca laying on the floor drenched in blood. I couldn't hold it anymore, I ran to her side and cried into her bloody shirt.

The scene changed, I saw people surrounding me, but their faces were scratched out so, I didn't know who they were. One of them went up to me and knelt down.

"Do you enjoy others suffering?"

"What? No!"

"You could have saved them." The figure's voice was disoriented. "All of them!"

"What do you mean!" I yelled.

"You could have saved your family, but you were too selfish!" The figure in front of me turned into Bianca, but her eyes were white.

"Stop!" I held my head as it banged like a drum.

I closed my eyes tightly wishing it to all go away.

It will never go away.

Authors notes: I know it's a crappy way to start things off, but I needed a recap of the end of Blood of Olympus. But with a dash of my terrible ideas.
I hope you enjoyed it, don't worry, the next part will have more ship worthy content.
If you have any questions please ask me ^-^

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