Part 31

874 30 14

Nico's POV

!Warning Contains Homophobic Slur!

I laid down in bed, Will already asleep beside me. I couldn't believe that I had challenged that Aphrodite kid to a duel. I'm going to kill him if I go through with it! But I can't just back out now. Not with everyone expecting me to. I snuggled up against Will and eventually dozed off.


The next morning, I woke up to Will shifting in bed. I grumbled and poked him to keep him from moving.

"Hey! I was just trying to get up." Will protested.

I smiled a little and opened my eyes sleepily. "No you're not," I said clinging onto him.

Will smiled a little and kissed my forehead. "How are you so cute, but scare everyone?"

I smiled a little, I liked how Will never seemed scared of me. He always tries his best to make me happy and feel wanted. But I still feel like this is all just a prank, that it's too good to be true. I know it's a terrible way to think, and that I shouldn't be so negative, but I just can't help it. He's too perfect for me.

I shook the thought away and buried my face into his side. "I'm sorry about last night... I just hate it when people treat me differently because I'm the child of Hades. I know everyone is wary at first. Everyone even you." Will tried to protest, but I cut him off. "No, you know it's true, but you thought to get to know me."

Will sighed and sat up before putting me in his lap. I felt blood rush to my face, I still wasn't used to all of the contact. Plus, I think I've been enjoying it more than I should have been. Thoughts raced through my head before shaking my head, whisking them away, my face getting a darker shade of red.

No, no, don't think like that you pervert. I scolded myself.

Will didn't seem to notice. "I don't blame you, I would have done the same if it was me." He said shrugging a little.

I smiled a little and looked down at my hands. I just didn't want him to be mad at me. I didn't deserve him, and I get mad at him like I don't appreciate him. I frowned a little, I didn't deserve him.

He kissed my cheek, "don't be depressed, I'm right here to bug you all day." He said grinning.

I sighed and turned around to face him. He seemed flustered for a moment for some reason, but I didn't think anything of it. I laid my head down on his chest and pushed him down on the bed. I slowly fell back asleep in the comfort of Will's arms.

Will woke me a couple of times to make me eat. I was too tired and disoriented to protest anyways. He woke me up back up before it turned to dusk, enough time to wake up. I was a bit nervous, not that I was scared, just to have people scared of me.

We got to the arena after a while. I had a whole bunch of people to back me up too, Will, his siblings, Jason and Piper. They had told me that they'd be leaving tomorrow so they could back me up. I didn't deserve friends like them.

After a while, I saw Nick come into the arena. I saw Will fidget next to me. I knew that he was nervous, but he shouldn't be. He knew I could take care of myself, he's probably worried about me hurting him too badly.

I didn't care at this point. Once I saw his stupid face, I knew I wasn't going to regret it. I stepped up to him.

"Get rid of the sword freak, use a regular sword." Nick hissed.

I clenched my teeth, before putting my sword down and grabbed a new one. It didn't feel right in my hand. It felt too heavy, but I knew once I started to use it, it'd be easier.

I walked back up to him with the sword at my side. I glanced at the sides of the arena to see everyone sitting down, waiting for someone to do something. We went back to our ends of the arena to wait for a signal. I saw that Nick looked stressed and was already sweating.

I smirked a little, I found it amusing to see someone at least twice my size being scared of fighting me. We waited until a skittish satyr came into the middle with a red flag. I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder, I jumped back and whipped around to see it was just Will.

I sighed in relief. "Don't scare me like that!" I said pushing him.

He laughed a little. "Sorry. But you never seen a duel here before have you?" He asked, I shook my head and he nodded. "When the satyr waves it up, then down, then up before running off, that's when the duel starts okay?"

I nodded vigorously. "Okay, thanks." 

Will nodded before pushing my hair out of my eyes. "You'll be fine, now kick his ass."

I forced a smile, "will do."

"Hey, faggot! Stop talking to your boyfriend and let's get this over with!" Nick yelled. 

I gritted my teeth, frowning a little. "Don't pay attention to him," Will said before he walked back to watch from a safe distance. 

If only he knew. I thought, smiling a little.

The satyr then raised the flag into the sky before letting it fall, almost to the ground before lifting it again, he ran to the side before I heard a horn fill the air.

I saw Nick hesitate before he ran in my direction. I smiled before I started to walk towards him to meet him. Didn't he know that running towards me is just a waste of breath?

Once we met in the middle, I sliced his cheek open with the sword before pushing him to the ground with the hilt of my sword. The air was knocked out of his lungs already. I heard others laugh at him, and others egging him to get up and fight. I stepped back, not wanting it to end so soon. Nick got back up before swinging at me, clumsily.

I easily dodged it and sighed. "Come on bud, give me a real challenge. I could beat you without a sword." I grinned.

Nick looked up at me and wiped his cheek that was now dripping in blood.  "Alright freak, then drop it." He hissed.

Something made me immediately drop it, as the hilt had just turned to hot molten lava. I was confused about why I dropped it. Then it hit me, he had used charm to speak against me, he was one of the few that could. 

But in my confusion Nick pushed his hilt into my stomach, making me double over. He kicked me to the ground, I fell hard, hitting my head hard on the ground, dazed. I blinked away my blurry vision and looked up to see Nick raising his sword, about to strike again. I rolled out of the way and got back to my feet quickly. Sand sprayed the area as his sword struck the ground.

Okay, I was mad now. He told me not to use magic, and then he breaks the rule that he made. 

I grabbed his wrist and pinned it behind his back. I took his sword away and pushed the blade against his throat. Nick tried to get away but I wouldn't let him.

"I would give up now before things get bloody," I growled in his ear.

Nick didn't say anything, as if he talked, I'd slice his throat open. I made a small line across his neck. I cut deep enough to make it bleed a little before throwing him to the ground hard. I threw the sword to him.

"There, I don't think I should go on. Don't want to hurt you." I said before I started towards Will.

Author's Notes: Sorry it took so long! I hope you enjoyed it.

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