Part 32

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Will's POV

!Warning Self Harm Mentions!

I, fortunately, wasn't put on the duty of tending to Nick's wounds. Nico didn't need to go to the infirmary, but I did make him lay down, which he didn't complain about. While watching him and Nick fight, you could obviously tell that Nick had used his Charmspeak on him, but, he still won without a sword. I was surprised that Nick even got Nico to the ground, even though it was for less than 5 seconds. I guess him using his powers sort of throw him off a bit.

I took Nico back to his cabin, him collapsing in bed almost immediately. I laid down next to him and took him into my arms. 

"Are you okay?" I asked softly.

He hummed, nodding, "my head hurts a little." He admitted.

I kissed his head, and whispered a hymn to him, making his pain vanish. He smiled a little before snuggling up to my chest. He slowly fell asleep in my arms, and since I used my magic, it drained me, I slowly nodding off myself. 


I woke up at 4 the next morning, which I was fine with, I'm just glad I got a decent sleep. I sat up and got ready for the day before going over to the infirmary, leaving a note for Nico in case he woke up before I got back. No one was in the infirmary, so I just cleaned up before going to the Apollo cabin. Usually, we all woke up around dawn, so I wasn't surprised to see my siblings starting to wake up.

Austin looked up at me sleepily, "mm, good morning." He said, getting up, grabbing some clothes before heading out to the shower house.

I saw that Kayla was already ready, brushing her teeth in the small bathroom we had. Thank the Gods that Annabeth got them installed in all of the cabins without us having to go to the shower house or something like that. I laid down on my bed and groaned.

"What's your problem? Did something happen?" Kayla asked as she sat down next to me.

"No, I just do that," I said sitting up. "Why do you ask?"

"Because you're not at the Hades cabin." She said grinning.

I rolled my eyes, "I do more than hang out with him."

"Uh-huh, sure." She teased before leaning closer to me. "Have you know?" She whispered, nudging me a little.

I knew what she meant, she was asking if we had sex yet. 

My face immediately went bright red. "No! No, no, we haven't." I said, pulling on the collar of my shirt, getting hot. "We haven't been dating that long," I mumbled.

"Come on, most people have sex before they even start dating, it was a reasonable question!" She said defensively.

"Well... I don't want to make him uncomfortable." I said shrugging. "Plus... I don't want to just do something like that than have something bad happen, and just have all of our time together wasted."

She shrugged, before getting up, "well, I have work later on today, so I'm going to wake Sapphire up."

"But it's like, 4:45. She's not like us, she's not used to being up so early." I pointed out.

She groaned before flopping down on Austin's bed. "Yeah... I know." She sighed before taking Austin's ukulele off of his bed frame, starting to tune it.

"You know, you hang out with Sapphire a lot..." I pointed out. "Do you have a crush on her?"

Kayla blushed, burying her face into her hands. "Shut up!" She groaned.

Wow, just asking makes her flustered.

I laughed a little. "Oh okay, sorry. I see." I nodded, grinning at her.

"Shut up ass!" She said, throwing a pillow at me.

I caught the pillow and threw it back at her just for her to catch it. She sighed and put it down on the bed. "Do you have to be so loud about it?" She said gesturing to all of our siblings around us, some listening in on our conversation.

"Don't worry, they know not to tell her. Right guys?" I asked, glaring at them.

Most of them snickered and nodded.

"Yeah, but we'll definitely tease you about it!" Oliver snickered.

Kayla rolled her eyes before she began to strum chords on the ukulele. I stayed there with them until after breakfast before going back to Nico. Nico just started to wake up when I came in. I sat down next to him, and took the note, crumbling it into a ball before throwing it in the trash.

"What was that?" He yawned, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He was so cute when he was sleepy.

"Oh, just a note that said I was with the Apollo cabin for if you woke up when I was still gone," I explained.

"Oh, okay." He nodded a little, getting up before grabbing some clothes, heading to his bathroom to get ready.

I practically had an entire week's worth of clothes at his cabin since I was over there so often. I just put them the bottom drawer in Nico's dresser. I didn't look in his other drawers, I didn't want to find something that I wasn't supposed to see.

Nico came out with his shirt off, looking in his drawer. I couldn't help but stare at him a little. I liked his small, muscular build. The thing that sort of threw me off, is that there were multiple Band-Aids on his wrists, up to his forearm. I frowned a little, I saw a bunch of cuts from in between the Band-Aids.

"Nico..." I said softly as he pulled on a black sweater.

"Hm?" He hummed and looked at me. "What is it?" He asked.

"What are those on your arm?" I asked cautiously.

Author's Notes: Sorry for the wait! I was really busy last week with a lot of personal problems. Thank you for waiting, I will post the next chapter as soon as I can.

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