Part 19

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Nico POV

Will looked up at me since I was still laying on top of him. I smiled and placed my head on his shoulder.

"You wanna go on a walk?" Will asked.

I shrugged, "sure."

"Well, that means you're going to have to get off of me," Will sighed as I didn't move.

I pouted a little and rolled off and I almost fell off of the bed. "Shit!"

Will chuckled, "you okay?"

I frowned and nodded slightly. Will got up and went to the bathroom. I sighed and, I sat up, I looked at my shirt it had a gross stain. I wrinkled my nose and took it off, I went over to my drawer and grabbed a black shirt. I put it on and went to grab my jacket I saw Will on the bed, I jumped a little.

"Oh come on! How are you getting startled?" He laughed.

"Because... You didn't say anything and then I see you just staring at me." I muttered.

"Well, I guess I'll be louder next time." Will gave me a goofy smile.

"Whatever," I put my jacket back on and smirked.

When I saw Will look away I pushed him down and pinned him down on the bed by his wrists. Will looked up at me.

"Why!" Will smiled.

I smiled, "because."

"That doesn't answer my question," Will grinned.

I shrugged.

Will rolled his eyes, "so are you ready?"


"Well if you stop tackling me we could go," Will laughed.

"Nah, I'm good," I grinned.

"Well, I guess we'll just stay here," Will sighed.

I rolled my eyes and sat down next to him, letting him go. Will sat up and looked at me.

"You wanna go now?" He asked.

I nodded, Will sat up and took my hand. "Come on let's go."

I smiled and got up, he opened the door and started towards the entrance of the camp. Most people weren't out so no one really noticed us. I thought we were almost safe until I heard footsteps coming up over to. I tried to hurry to get out of camp but Will stopped and turned around. I sighed and saw Kayla running towards us. I let go of Will's hand in a panic.

She huffed a little and then grinned up at Will. "So it's true?"

Will gave her a confused look as I stepped away from them. I didn't know what she was talking about but I didn't like it.

"You guys are like, together?!" Kayla squealed.

Will blushed and pushed her.

"Aww~ You guys are so cute!" Kayla teased.

Will ignored her and walked towards the entrance. Kayla opened her mouth to say more but I shot her a dirty look and she imminently shut up. I sighed and followed Will. I guess having everyone scared of you has its perks.

"Why do they always have to embarrass me?" Will muttered half to himself.

"Don't worry about them." I shrugged.

Will looked at me and nodded. I put my arm around his waist and half-hugged him. Will smiled and put his arm around my shoulder. I smiled a little as we walked. Will sighed in content.

I looked up at Will, "so where do you want to go?"

Will shrugged, "I don't know, I just wanted to get out. Plus there are no rude Percys out here." Will joked.

I smiled, "I'll go anywhere."

Will smiled and nodded. We walked the forest for a while then Will looked at me.

"We could go to the park," Will suggested.

"Alright," I shrugged.

We walk towards the barrier, I saw the Athena Parthenos shimmer with power, I sighed. I remember when me and my friends Reyna and Coach Hedge helped bring it to Camp Half-Blood. I thought about the quest, I've done things that no one should have. I pushed the thoughts in the back of my mind.

I led Will towards the barrier, Will didn't seem as nervous but he still gripped my hand tightly as we passed it. I looked around but I didn't sense any monsters, I sighed and led Will through the forest until we got to the city. Then I let Will take lead and he looked for a park of some sort.

"I remember seeing a park on the way to the festival yesterday," Will stated.

I nodded and followed next to him. After a while we found a park, it was called Ridge Park. (very original) I made sure to stay close to Will. Will found a bench and sat down, I sat down next to him. The park was mostly trails, with a couple of playgrounds, a few food carts, and there was a shimmering blue pond in the middle. Thankfully there wasn't many people here, just a couple groups of kids, and a few people walking the trails.

Will laid his head on my shoulder and I smiled. I sighed and laid my head on his. Will looked around to see what there was to do.

After a while, Will sighed, "do you want to just go on the swings or something?"

"Sure," I smiled a little.

Will sighed and we got up and walked over to the swings. He sat down on one and I sat on the one next to him. "Today's a nice day," Will sighed.


Will swayed on the swing a little, and I swung back and forth a little. After a while, I and Will were competing to see who can go higher. I felt like a kid but I didn't care, when I saw that goofy smile on Will's face I couldn't help but find myself enjoying it. I also probably looked a little bit like a kid due to my height.

After a while Will jumped off, he almost lost his balance, but he didn't, Will smiled and looked at me. I smiled and jumped off too, I stumbled a little and bumped into him. I smiled and hugged him, burying my face into his hoodie. I felt Will's arms wrap around me.

Then he took my hand, "come on, let's go on a walk."

I smiled and nodded, we found a trail and began to walk it. We walked it and I listened to the breeze and how our feet crunched the leaves. It was the middle of September but the leaves already started to fall.

Author's Notes: Finished it, I had a wild day. Let's just say I had to calm down a 32-year-old because she got mud on her flats.


(Discontinued) The Light At The End of The Tunnel - Solangelo (Percy Jackson)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя