Part 27

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Nico's POV

I've been feeling weird lately, something's not right. I just don't know what yet. Will must have noticed because he's been asking me if I was okay almost every sigh, or if I stop talking. I keep on reminding him I don't talk much. But he still continues, it's kind of annoying, but I know he's just worried about me.

My thoughts were interrupted by Will entering the cabin. He sat down next to me, exhausted because of working in the infirmary all day. He groaned and laid down. I laid down and hugged him.

Will smiled and kissed the top of my head. I smiled slightly and sighed. He rubbed my back as if he was trying to put me to sleep.

After a while Will sat up "Come on Neeks, we need to go to dinner."

I whined as he sat up, clinging to his arm. Will chuckled and stood up, making me stand. He walked out of the cabin, and I reluctantly let go of his arm. We went over to the Apollo cabin to grab the rest of them. Will was still head counselor whether he liked it or not.

He led them to their table, and I followed behind them all slowly. I sat down after the others did, not wanting to get in their way.

Will looked at me. "Come on, they're not going to bite. You've been around them enough."

"I know, but I can feel their resentment towards me.." I mumbled.

Will sighed "they don't resent you, they just are a little scared of you."

"Wow, great pep talk. I'm ready to do anything!" I said sarcastically.

Will winced, "I didn't mean it like that-"

"Yes, you did!" I snapped. "You know as well as I do that's exactly what you meant! We all know everyone hates me. We all know everyone is scared of me. Maybe they should be!"

Will was taken aback, I couldn't read his expression. Scared? Shocked? Both? Everyone looked at me, expecting me to attack him.

Why would people think I'd attack him?! I've done nothing wrong! Well, nothing they know about. What if the do know? Oh, Gods...

"Nico, I-" Will stepped towards me but I took two steps back before stepping into the shade of a tree.

I felt everyone's eyes on me, I hated the extra attention. I fell into the shadows of the tree, retreating to the darkness. I felt the shadows hissed around me and I ended up stumbling next to Thalia's Pine Tree.

I breathed heavily, it didn't take much out of me to travel a short distance, but I was already uptight. Something's happening, I know something's happening. Something unnatural. I closed my eyes tightly as my head pounded against my skull.

I sunk to my knees, as my head throbbed. "What is happening?!" I wailed.

My lungs felt as if they were set on fire. I coughed, I couldn't breathe. The air seemed to avoid my lungs. After a few seconds, I felt as if I would pass out. Then I took a big gulp of air like it was my first. My chest throbbed and my whole body felt weak. I felt as if my heart was working for the first time with painful strokes.

I tried to cry out, but my voice failed me. The pain was unbearable. I couldn't take much more of it. I felt as if my skin could be peeled off by the slightest movement. The pounding in my head was getting worse like my brain was trying to bust its way through my skull.

Then, as suddenly as it started, the pain ominously subsided.

I snapped my eyes open and looked around to see if anyone was using their magic on me or something. Maybe to get back at me yelling at Will. I immediately felt awful for that, but at the moment, I had bigger things to deal with. Much bigger things if I knew what just happened was true. I got up and shadows surrounded me like a shield of protection.

"Is anybody there? Show yourself!" I yelled, my eyes scanned my surroundings, looking for something. Someone. But nothing.

He's alive, he's alive. The boy who died is alive!

I heard the chatter of the spirits that hid. I knew they were right. I knew exactly what they were talking about.

I knew Leo Valdez was alive yet again.

Author's Notes: Sorry this is such a short one. Also sorry about the little cliff hanger at the end. Oops. Anyways, I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! Right now I'm on my girlfriend's phone and we're on a bus to Six Flags. I'm super excited because I've never been to before. Plus. No adult supervision.

(Discontinued) The Light At The End of The Tunnel - Solangelo (Percy Jackson)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें