Part 7

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Will POV

We walked back to camp, it was nice to be out of the infirmary for a while. Defiantly if I was with his favorite demigod. I don't know what this feeling is, but when I'm around Nico I feel weird. It feels nice, though. I feel nervous around him sometimes, sometimes I feel like I could tell him anything. I do and say things without thinking. Some of the things I say don't make sense, but in a way, they do.

I could take his hand without a thought, then look like an idiot when I realize it. I know that Nico doesn't like physical contact, but he hasn't flinched pulled away or squirm at all. At least not anymore. It was weird because every time I see someone touch him he seems to have a panic attack. Even his friends have to try to not touch him. I can see how uncomfortable he is when Reyna hugged him, even though they are like best friends. But then he hugs me and if I hug him, he doesn't seem to be uncomfortable, he seems to actually enjoy it.

I shrugged as we went through the entrance of the camp. We trekked over to the infirmary. I opened the door and let Nico in. I went in after him. I shut the door behind us and Nico went back to bed. I smiled and sat next to him.

"Are you going to sleep?" I asked.

Nico nodded.

"I'll bring you something to eat before you go to sleep." I started towards the door.

"Wait," Nico called.

I went back to him and sat next to him. "Yes?"

"I'm not hungry," he muttered.

I sighed and thought for a moment. "How about I just grab you an apple?"

"I guess," Nico shrugged.

I smiled and went out the door, I heard the horn blare for lunch, Austin led the Apollo cabin to the pavilion in my place since I was busy tending the wounded. I sighed, I had great siblings. I was grateful for them. I started up the hill and asked one of the Nymphs for an apple. After a while, she gave me an apple and I thanked her. I headed back to the infirmary. I went over to Nico to see him already in a deep sleep.

"Shit," I muttered.

Nico knew exactly what he did. He knew that he could fall asleep by the time I left from the time I came back. I sighed.

Does he have an eating disorder, or is it because he is weak? But if he's weak, that would make him want to eat...

I sighed and went out of the infirmary and went to the Apollo table. I saw everyone start scrape a part of their meal in the fire. A Nymph gave me my plate and I scrapped part of my plate into the fire. I sat next to Austin picking at my food. My mind wandered elsewhere. I guess Austin noticed and looked at me.

"You good?"

"Huh?" I looked up. "Oh, yeah."

"Hm, okay," Austin didn't look convinced but didn't say anything else.

After I was done I threw away my scraps and went to the infirmary, there were only 2 people left. Nico and one of the Stoll brothers, Travis. Nico was still asleep and nothing else needed to be tended to. I cleaned the infirmary, even though I didn't really need it. I went into the Apollo cabin and straightened my small area up. I sighed having nothing else to do. I began to fidget, needing something to do and then my 2 siblings came in.

"Hey," Kayla plopped herself down on my bed.


Austin sat down next to Kayla. "You guys want something?" I asked.

Austin and Kayla exchanged glances before turning towards me. "You know, you've been acting a little weird," Kayla smirked.

"What? How?"

"Well, your mind has been elsewhere hadn't it?" Kayla sighed.

"Well, yeah, I've been feeling a bit weird lately, I don't know what's wrong with me."

"How have you been feeling, and when?" Austin asked.

"Well, my stomach has been having butterflies, and I haven't been thinking before I act."

"And when has this happened?" Austin pressed.

I thought for a moment. "Well mostly when I'm around Nico or thinking about him," I confessed.

"Hm, seems you have the crushies." Kayla grinned.

"Wha?" I thought for a moment. My face lit up. I buried my face into a pillow.

Damnit she's right.

"Oh gods, I think your right." I sighed.

"I know I am," Kayla grinned.

Austin started to sing/shout can you feel the love tonight. I kicked him off my bed. "Ow." He groaned.

Kayla laughed at Austin. "It's okay Will, don't listen to Austin, you know he's an idiot," Kayla patted me on the shoulder.

I sighed and nodded. "Do you think he likes me?" I asked quietly.

"He might, but, don't rush him, wait to tell him. Who knows, he might ask you." Kayla shrugged.

I nodded and sighed.

"Don't worry, it'll be fine," Kayla promised.

"How do you know? You've never had a boyfriend or girlfriend?" I snapped.

Kayla flinched a little. "Maybe not, but how do you know I never had a crush or something you idiot, fuck, I'm just trying to help your sorry ass." Kayla went over to her own bed.

I sighed, I didn't know where the spark of anger came from. "Sorry," I muttered.

Kayla rolled her eyes. "Whatever."

"Better watch out Will, or you'll have an arrow in your head," Austin warned.

"Yep," I sighed and stood up.

"Where are you going?" Austin asked.

"To the infirmary."

"Oh okay."

I went out of the cabin and heard Austin and Kayla whisper to each other.

"We're going to tease him forever for this right?" Austin asked.

"Oh yeah," Kayla answered.

I chuckled and started towards the infirmary. I went into the infirmary and sat down next to Nico.

Authors Notes:

Yay! It's finally done! *Throws it into the trash*

I went on vacation and had no Wifi, so I was dying. But I survived barely. As you may be able to tell Will and Nico both know that they like each other, they just don't know the other think the same thing.

Do you wanna get inside my mother's car?

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