Part 17

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Will POV

People cheered around us in reply to the man.

"Now, we've kept it a secret until now. Welcome RANGE! They'll be singing 7 minutes of Hamilton!" The man announced.

People cheered and I smiled a bit, I liked that song. Hamilton is the first musical Austin showed me. Nico leaned against me a little. Then the group came onto the stage and the man left. Everyone cheered, and almost at once, they started to sing. I'll admit, it was awesome, I've never been to a concert before. I hummed along at some points of the song too. Nico seemed relaxed as he listened to them. I smiled at Nico and muttered a few lyrics to myself.

I kind of wanted to sing along but I didn't want to embarrass myself, so I just hummed along. Nico closed his eyes and rested his head on my arm, I smiled. Then a breeze went by and I shivered.

Well, that's what I get for not bringing a jacket.

Nico must have noticed because he opened his eyes and lifted his head. He sat up and took a part of the blanket and wrapped it around my shoulder. Then he laid his head back down on my arm. I smiled and pulled the blanket over my shoulder a little more. Nico looked up at me and smiled. He shifted closer to me and began to relax again.

After the song was over people got up. Some people left, but most just went on more rides.

I sighed and stood up, "come on, we still have enough time to go on the Ferris Wheel."

I let the blanket fall off my shoulders and Nico drew the blanket back around him. Then he stood up and nodded. I led Nico out of the stadium and to the Ferris Wheel line. Nico stands next to me leaning against me a little, he looked tired.

Once it was our turn I hopped into the car, "come on Nico!"

Nico followed me onto the car and sat down. The ride started, as we rose higher I felt Nico stiffen a bit and shift closer to me. I wasn't really nervous on this ride because it was slow and it was cool. But it did help that Nico was there. When the car got to the top Nico grabbed my hand tightly.

"Woah look at the view!" I breathed.

I looked at Nico, the little guy looked scared to death. I wrapped my arm around him and held him close to me to calm him down. Nico looked up at me and leaned into me, gratefully. He slowly looked around and he relaxed.

"Thank you." He says quietly.

I smiled and looked around, New York was lit up, it looked like a thousand lightning bugs. "Wow..."

"Yeah," Nico whispered.

We admired the view until we had to get off. I was a little disappointed to get off. We got off and I smiled at Nico. Nico continued to hold my hand even after we got off the ride.

The festival was closing and people were leaving. We left, and Nico never let go of my hand, but I didn't mind that. We walked in the direction of the camp. I thought about a lot of stuff on the way home.

After about halfway there Nico looked up at me, "What are you thinking about?"

I sighed, I remembered at the diner I said I would tell him what I was thinking. "Well, I did say I would tell you...."

Nico looked up at me.

I took a deep breath and stopped in front of Nico, "well... I-I..."

"You what?" Nico asked quietly.

"I-I... I like you!" I looked away and blushed really hard.

Nico's eyes widened, and he smiled. "R-really? I didn't think you... I-I mean... like you too..." Nico blushed himself.

I looked at him surprised, Nico smiled. "Really?" I brushed my hair out of my eyes.

Nico nodded, "Yes really." He was blushing a lot.

He hesitated and then he hugged me tightly. "I really, really like you." He said quietly.

I hugged him back and laughed nervously, Nico snuggled into me. "I-I'm so happy!" I smiled.

Nico smiled and stayed close. After a while, I reluctantly let go of Nico and started back to camp. I took Nico's hand as we walked through the barrier but I barely noticed. Then Nico noticed we crossed the barrier he looked at me. I gave him a confused look, I looked behind us and saw the Athena Parthenos.

"Oh, I didn't know we passed the barrier," I commented.


After a while, we went through the entrance of the camp. We still held each other's hand since no one noticed us since they all surrounded the campfire. Nico looked at everyone and then at me. I had a feeling he didn't really want people to know about us. Yet.

"We can go to your cabin," I suggested.

"Sounds good," Nico yawned.

Nico led the way to his cabin. He opened the door and let me in. I smiled and sat down on his bed, Nico closed the door and sat down next to me.

"You know before we left and Austin whispered to me?" I asked.

Nico nodded, "Yeah."

"Well, I made the mistake and told Austin and Kayla that I had a crush on you. Now their favorite past time is teasing me about it."

"Why would they tease you about it?" Nico asked.

I shrugged, "it's just what siblings do."

Nico hugged me, "well, they shouldn't tease you about it."

I smiled, "they're just jealous," I put my head on his shoulder.

"Exactly," Nico smiled and laid his head on my chest.

I chuckled and smiled. Nico smiled and snuggled closer to me wrapping the blanket around us both. We laid down and Nico yawned and started to dose off. I smiled and hugged him. Nico used my chest as a pillow and started to fall asleep.

I smiled and played with his hair a bit, "night."

"Night," Nico yawned and fell asleep.

Author's notes: don't judge me. Yay, They are finally together after fooking 17 parts!

Should I continue this story or just leave it how it is?

Thanks for reading!

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