Part 29

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Nico's POV

Will and I started back to camp, I was still a bit dazed because of all that happened. So I was supposed to tell everyone that Leo Valdez was alive. Great! Hey! Guys! I can tell when people come back to life and get really moody for some reason. Cool right?

I hadn't really looked at Will since I snapped at him. I still haven't apologized to him yet. I felt horrible for snapping at him. But it's already happened, can't do anything now. I'll talk to him about it later. After I get Leo's mess out of the way.

We went up to the Big house and knocked on the door. After a few moments, Chiron opened the door. He was in his wheelchair that magically hid away his horse backside.

"Oh, hello Will, Nico." Chiron greeted us.

"Chiron, Nico has something very important to tell you," Will said to him.

Chiron tilted his head a little before gesturing us to follow him as he rolled down to his office. Once we got to his office he looked at us. "Would you like anything?" He asked, I could hear the nervousness in his voice and I think I could guess why. We shook our heads and he told us to sit down, so we did. Chiron had made tea for himself and stirring his spoon around in it.

"So what is it?" Chiron asked, glancing up at me.

"Um, well, I believe that Leo... Leo Valdez is Uhm, alive." I said avoiding his gaze, messing with my skull ring that clung to my finger.

Chiron pursed his lips which were barely visible under his scruffy beard. "Nico... You and Hazel were positive that he had died only about 2 months ago."

"I know!" I looked up to meet Chiron's puzzled expression. "He came back to life. He had the Physician's Cure. It worked, I don't know how he took it but I know he's alive."

Chiron nodded slowly, "di Angelo if you are correct... Then we need to inform the camp. I would think his siblings would be very happy to hear that he may be alive." I nodded and stood up, followed by Will. "I will announce the news at the campfire tonight." He told us.

Chiron excused us and we left the Big House. I let out a breath I apparently have been holding. I looked Will and sighed.

"I-I'm sorry for snapping at you... It was uncalled for and I-"

"Nico." Will stopped in front of me and put his hands on my shoulders. "You're fine, I'm sorry for saying that... I didn't mean it, you know I'd never hurt you on purpose."

I looked down and didn't say anything. I just let myself fall into him and let him wrap his arms around me. I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face in his chest. I could feel his chest rise and fall as he breathed. I looked up at him to look at his perfect face. He smiled at me and kissed the top of my head.

"Come on di Angelo, let's go to the campfire," Will said, taking me by the hand.

I nodded and followed Will, letting go of his hand once people could see us and stuffed them in my pockets. I watched Will walk in front of me a little. We've been dating for a little bit over a month. It was a mystery why he even asked me out in the first place. Why he wasn't completely regretting being with me. Well, maybe he was and he was just good at hiding it. I shook my head, I didn't need to think about that at the moment.

Since it was now October the camp had more of the Halloween vibe. Pumpkins were placed in front of every cabin and the Big House. Every cabin had a little twist, the Ares cabin had smashed pumpkins, the Hecate cabin's pumpkins were floating, and the Apollo cabin's pumpkins shined brighter than any of the others.

I thought it was stupid so I didn't do it. But Will carved 2 pumpkins that looked like ghosts and placed them in front of my cabin. I thought it looked a little cute but I didn't say anything about it. The fireflies glowed orange instead of yellow and the leaves were brilliant colors of red-orange and yellow. But the leaves never fell.

We went over to the campfire, I sat at the back. Will tried to sit by me but I gave him a warning look. People were already suspicious, I don't need to confirm their beliefs. It's not their business. He sighed and sat down next to his siblings. People gave me sideways looks and whispered to each other.

"I wonder why they aren't sitting together."

"They're mad at each other, you say how he freaked out at dinner."

"I'd clobber the freak if he gets any ideas."

"Bet you wouldn't say it to his face."

"Shut up! He can probably hear you guys."

"I don't care, the freak shouldn't even be here."

I ignored the comments and looks. But Will didn't he stood up and faced the main culprits of the whispering.

"Shut the fuck up! He is not a freak. You're just an asshole, and if you keep talking I'll I-" Will's voice faltered.

The girl that called me a freak grinned. She was a child of Ares, not very surprising. Her name was Violet, she had straight black hair and brilliant violet eyes. She was short but very muscular, she looked sort of goth with her pale skin against her black shirt over a black and red long-sleeved shirt. She had tight black jeans with shin-high black boots on. To pull the outfit all together was a black choker.

She stood up and walked over to Will. "Or you'll what?" She hissed.

Will frowned and furrowed his eyebrows. "Don't fucking mess with him, you would never say it to his face. But you don't need to he can hear your loud ass."

She frowned, scanning the crowd before her eyes landed on me. I saw the little color in her face drain away. I grinned. I couldn't help but loving seeing the expression of terror on some people's face.

"Yeah, I'd watch your mouth if I was you. We don't want you waking up in Tartarus..." I said, narrowing my eyes.

She frowned and furrowed her eyebrows. "I'm not scared of you." She scoffed.

I grinned, "maybe you should be."

There was an eerie silence. She didn't say anything else and sat down.

Author's Notes: Welp. Yeah. Thank you for reading!

(Discontinued) The Light At The End of The Tunnel - Solangelo (Percy Jackson)Where stories live. Discover now