Part 9

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Will POV

I sighed and straitened up the infirmary. Nico was the last one in the infirmary, and he was leaving tomorrow. I didn't even get to show him any of my music.

Maybe I could still show him.

I went to the Apollo cabin and straightened up my area. I sighed and started to finally read my book.

After about an hour I heard my siblings come in. I looked up, most of them just went to bed or were chatting quietly. I smiled, it was nice to have siblings that actually cared about others around them. Some of them yelled and laughed loudly. Well, most of them.

I sighed and looked around, Austin was tuning his ukulele. I sighed and put my book down and went over and sat on his bed. Austin looked up.

"You need something?" He asked.

"Uh, maybe."

"What do you need?" Austin put his ukulele down.

"Well, what would someone that likes old music like?" I asked.

"What are some things they like?" Austin asked.

"Well, they like to be alone, and people that are close to them," I smiled a little as I thought of Nico. "They're just misunderstood, and are actually a good person."

"Hm," Austin smiled a little. Austin grabbed a notebook and wrote a few things down.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm writing down suggestions," Austin replied.

"You're way too much into this stuff." I chuckled.

"Maybe," Austin shrugged.

After a little while, later Austin gave me the list. "Thanks," I sighed.

I looked at the list, I sighed and got my MP-3 player. It was the only thing close enough to phone to play music. Maybe one day we'll get a phone that doesn't attract monsters or blow up. I put the songs into a playlist.

"The Heathers Musical?" I chuckled.

"I don't know, maybe they like musicals." Austin shrugged.

I shrugged and started to put the songs into the playlist. After a while, I finished putting the music into it. Oh, I wish I had a phone. I sighed and sat on my bed.

"Thanks, Austin," I called.

Austin nodded and I put the MP-3 player down on my nightstand. I grabbed my book and started to read.

* * *

I looked up to see thin light coming in from the window overhead. I memorized the page number and closed my book. I stretched and got ready for the day. I went over to the infirmary to see it a total mess. Looks like the Stoll brothers thought it would be funny to mess it up. I gritted my teeth and started to clean it up. I'm going to kill those guys.

After a while I finished cleaning, the sun was high in the sky. I went over to Nico, he was still asleep. I smiled and shook him gently.

"Wake up sleepyhead," I said softly.

Nico furrowed his eyebrows and grunted. I smiled and sat down next to him. I poked him. "What the fuck?" Nico opened his eyes and gave me a confused look.

I laughed and saw a smile tug onto Nico's lips. I shrugged as he sat up.

"What?" He grumbled. His eyes were dull with sleepiness.

(Discontinued) The Light At The End of The Tunnel - Solangelo (Percy Jackson)Where stories live. Discover now