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Kumi's pov: 

Oh Kami, this boy got long training seasions, the sun is going down, I’m dead tired and that byakugan-boy is still training. I had begun to watch the byakugan-boy train. Slowly a short haired Hyuuga girl walked up to byakugan-boy.

" Neji-nii, it-its din-inner time and aun-aunty don’t want you to sta-stay out, while there is an intru-intruder in the village. " The girl said looking on the ground. 

Neji, hm? Well that seems familiar.... Why is that? 

" I'll come in a moment. Just go. " Byakugan-boy-Neji said cooly.

The girl turned to go and I crawled a little closer to get a better look at her, she reminds me of something... 

Byakugan-boy-Neji had turned on his byakugan and I had not seen it, therefore I crawled out of his blindspot to get a better look on the girl. 

" Who are you? Come forth! " Byakugan-boy-Neji said cooly and looked towards my hiding place.

" Neji-nii? What is it? " The girl asked and looked around scared. 

" The intruder..." Byakugan-boy-Neji said cold and got in a fighting stand. 

I whimpered lowly, though it seems that the girl heard it, maybe because I was so much closer to her then byakygan-boy-Neji. 

" I-I’m Hina-Hinata Hyuuga and this is Neji Hyuu-Hyuuga, who would you be? " She asked while stuttering and smiled softly towards the place she heard me whimper. " We wo-wont hurt you. Neji mig-might seem scary, but he-he's alright. Just co-come out and then we'll ta-talk." 

Neji rose an eyebrow at her, but stayed quiet. I did not know what to do, but that girl Hinata seemed nice. Some how I felt like I knew her. Byakugan-boy-Neji slowly made his way to Hinata.

" I... I feel safer here.... " I mumbled tired and scared and pushed myself closer to the ground. 

" You seem tired, why not come with us to our house. You can get some sleep there and some food, if you want. " Byakugan-boy-Neji said.

" And a bath. " Hinata added sweetly. 

" Can you tell us who you are? " Byakugan-boy-Neji asked.

" I.. Im beginning to doubt who I am... But my name is Kumikiyoko. " I said softly and continued stubornly with a childish tint. " Though I don’t want to go with you guys, you are both Hyuuga with means that you live with the murder! "

" Mur-murder? What mur-murder? " Hinata asked worried and played with her hands. " Co-come out so we can ta-talk. Its wei-weird not se-seing who you ta-talk to. " 

" Gomen... " I muttered and looked up over the log at them, Hinata smiled encouraging and byakugan-boy-Neji's eyes widdened.

So this is going on? (Naruto fanfiction)Book 5.Where stories live. Discover now