4 ~ Let The 'Game' Begin

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Have you noticed? Every chapter is a little longer than the previous one!
Also, I'll update this book once every two days!
Written on: 25-06-2018

Natsu & Lucy

''Vowine, you're sick in your mind if you want to kill them,'' Lucy said, determination in her eyes. She was scared for all kinds of things, but when it came to her friends, it looked like all of her fears were gone, except for the fear that she might lose them. She was very loyal to her friends.

Vowine glanced at Lucy and saw her determined look. She smirked. ''Guard, would you be so kind as to wipe that determination off her face?'' Vowine asked, slightly insulted.

The guard nodded his head and charged at Lucy. ''You will never-'' Lucy said, as she suddenly felt a blunt force right in her gut, forcing her to wheeze as the air left her lungs. She wanted to scream in pain, or curl up into a ball, but the chains didn't let her. She bit her lower lip, not making a sound. The guard had kicked her in her stomach, that was now definetly bruised.

Natsu glared at the guard as Lucy's breathing became regulated again. ''Whew,'' she said, simply, trying to say to Natsu that it was nothing and that she was fine.

Natsu still was disatisfied, though. ''Don't do that to her, or else,'' he threatened in a dangerous and low tone, sending a shiver down the guard's spine. Vowine rolled her eyes in annoyance, as her hands started to become purple.

Lucy raised an eyebrow in confusion, and stared at her hands. When she took a closer look, she saw that her hands weren't purple, something purple was forming in her hands, and that just looked like her hands were purple.

''What the heck?!'' Natsu sweared, as she put her hand quickly on Lucy's chest, her eyes glowing purple. She screamed in agony, and Natsu tried to get out of his chains to protect Lucy.

''LUCY!'' Natsu yelled out, desperately trying to get to her. When the purple light finally disappeared, so did Lucy's determination.

Vowine smirked evilly. ''What did you do to her?!'' Natsu screamed, earning various punches from other guards.

Vowine smiled innocently. ''I simply injected some poison in her system. Only healing can cure it, but as you might know, there are none on this world. I have poison magic. It is weak at first, but can become deadly in an instant. Her execution has already begun. Now for yours...'' She mumbled the last part, and slowly walked towards Natsu, who simply gulped, and tried to maintain his dangerous posture.

''Vowine,'' They then heard. Vowine looked away from Natsu, and saw Zin. He had an annoyed look on his face, and glared at Natsu and Lucy.

Vowine turned to him completely, telling him to continue. ''I went to Fairy Tail, but they claimed that the suspects Wendy Marvell, Gray Fullbuster, and Erza Scarlet, never returned after the incident,'' he stated.

Vowine gritted her teeth and narrowed her eyes. She then looked at Natsu through the corner of her eyes. ''...Which means, we have to keep these two alive for now. Get the poison out of their systems,'' He deadpanned.

Vowine sighed in annoyance, and sucked all of the poison out of Lucy's body by cutting a small line in Lucy's stomach. Lucy slowly woke up, and was very dizzy.

Zin didn't hesitate and grabbed Lucy by her chin. ''Now tell me little blonde, where are your fairy friends?'' He asked with an evil smirk.

Lucy's vision became clear, as she simply glared him in the eye, and spit on his face. ''Like hell I'd tell you,'' She stated.

Zin became really angry, while Natsu was smirking, saying in his head that she was awesome. Vowine was about to slice her, but Zin stopped her. He wiped the spit off his face with a handkerchief, as he maintained his evil smirk once again.

''Vowine, do you still remember that little game we play with our prisoners if they won't tell us what we want?'' He asked her.

Vowine nodded with a smirk. ''Of course I do, sir. The 'How Long Can You Take The Torture Before You Confess Or Die?' game! HLCYTTTBFCOD for short,'' Vowine said.

Zin facepalm-ed, as he said, ''Torture, Confess, Die,' is the true name of the game,'' He corrected, and Natsu and Lucy nodded their head in understanding.

''So, who do we start with?'' He asked the second commander, who immediately pointed at Natsu.

And so Natsu it is. Lucy watched, still kind of out of it because of the poison, as Vowine and some other guards wrestled Natsu into more cuffs, unchained him from the wall, and dragged him out of the room, Zin following proudly after. Lucy listened to Natsu's threats as they became softer and softer, until she didn't hear him anymore. ''He'll be fine,'' she said to herself with a smile, before fainting.


Wendy: HLCYTTTBFCOD for short? Are you serious?

Nina: Hehehe... Look I wanted the title to be shorter, and so I made HLCYTTTBFCOD for short, but since it wasn't short, I changed it again.

Wendy: *Rolls her eyes* You're still an idiot.

Nina: Hey! Why are you so mean to me?!

Wendy: I'm not, I'm only stating facts here. *Smiles sweetly*

Nina: *Cries*

Wendy: *sighs* Alright then, how about I take you to a café, we'll drink something and all will be good.

Nina: YESH!

Wendy: ò.Ó

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