Chapter 9

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A week later
At The Cut

Darnell stood in the back alley behind the shop shifting on his toes, he ran his fingers through his untamed braids as sweat dripped down his face. He blew the smoke from his cigarette as he looked both ways, he was trying his best to ease his mind. He'd been trying to find another way to negotiate with Em, he'd been up all night debating with himself about it. If he had to work off his debts instead of selling he rather do that but he knew with that came consequences . He stood up once he saw the black truck pull into the alley slowly. Emerald got out along with his goons as they approached Darnell. He plucked his cigarette meeting them half way.

"Well if it isn't my little business partna, what you bringing me here to tell me my building is ready?"Emerald joked looking between his two men that laughed along with him. Darnell sucked his bottom lip in. The only problem was Nell was recanting on his end, he hadn't slept since that meeting back at the casino. Every day he's been to work and seen the utter joy on his sister's face made the guilt harder to handle.

"See that's what I wanted to holla at you about, look man..this shop-

"Is the payoff of your debts, now Darnell..I like you I've always have and I saw this place as an opportunity to whats expansion without a team? Darnell don't turn my like for you into something else, I would really hate to see your baby sister shed another tear over a lost family member"Emerald cut him off. His stare turned from pleasant to intense as his smile turned to a frown.

Nell stood his ground, he kept his chest out

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Nell stood his ground, he kept his chest out. He didn't take his threat lightly. He knew whatever Emerald promised he made happen. He nodded then looked up at him showing he understood, he was in no position to back talk him without a weapon.

Darnell let out a breath. "Aight just give me some more time man and I promise you, you can have it...just give me another month forreal."Darnell stuttered a bit. Emerald chuckled then shook his head.

"I tell you what, you have until Friday

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"I tell you what, you have until Friday...and if I don't see that sold sign in the window...I'll be here to rearrange the place."Emerald gave him a smile at the end to seal that he wasn't playing. Nell licked his lips then took a drag from his cigarette as he watched them get into the truck and drove away.

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