Settling In

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After our little crying session my mom decides to start with the kitchen first, unpacking all the food for tomorrow morning.

"Are you sure you're okay doing this on your own? " I ask looking at her from across the kitchen counter.

"Yeah, why don't you go get settled in." she says walking over to the fridge with a cartoon of long life milk.

"Mom the trip wasn't that long that you had to buy long life everything!" I half laugh as I watch her dust the top of the fridge and place her little fake pot of flowers on top.

"Better safe then sorry they say." she mutters coughing on the back of her hand.

"See this counter?" she asks walking back to me while gliding her hand across the brown vintage counter.

"I'm going to take it out and replace it with a marble one, to you know, make the place look more our own, and maybe get black leather couches instead of these ones." She says turning to look at the living room.

"That's a plan." I say walking down the little step before entering the living room

"Oh and a television, a huge one." I say emphasising huge .

"Yes madam, now go get ready for bed it's alittle past midnight." she says wiping her forehead before heading off to the kitchen once more.

My mind wondering as I make my way up the beautiful staircase, touching it with my right hand feeling every curve and nook in the pattern, everything seems old which was all so new to me, back in California we had modern furniture, modern designs, modern everything really.

I climb up the striking staircase that leads to individual beautiful rooms. The first floor, which is a open plan, has a lovely formal dining table and on it is an attractive flower arrangement.

There is a long corridor with 3 rooms on each side, I try and find the light switch because I don't dare wonder in the dark, I enter the first room on the right, Master suite with a luxurious bath and fireplace, it is massive with a king size bed in the middle and beautiful white and bronzer bedding.

I suspect it might be my moms room as it is probably the biggest, with its own bathroom, so I continue on to the next room which was no doubt just as big as the first, minus the extremely exquisite bathroom, the next room is a bathroom with a tub and a shower, the decorations looks beautiful it is old fashion but still abit modern.

I scurry out and open the door next to it and it's a home theater, my eyes widen with surprise, I walk in and lay my hands on the little couch in the middle of the room before I spot another door and walk to it, I push it open to find a little game room.

I switch the light off and make my way to the opposite side, I am surprised to find that the room was in fact a closet with white cupboards and a beautiful window showing the houses on the right.

This whole neighborhood seems quite rich, so its very unlikely that I will get along with this mob of snobs.

After gazing at the lawn I take another minute to look around, I spot a little black door next to the one I entered.

I open it and find another bedroom almost duplicating the previous one but with different bedding, instead of bronze the whole room is white, it even has it's own desk which I would need to do my homework and put all my electronics on.

"Dawwn!" I hear my mom screaming from a room close by.

"Mom in here." I respond as I awkwardly stand in the centre of the room, I really want this room so bad, I can only imagine how beautiful and warm it must be in broad daylight, with the sun beaming through the huge windows..

"Here you are did you fi-" I hear my mom stop in mid sentence before a gasp escapes her lips.

"Mom..." I say watching her come in the room before walking past me into the closet.

"Dont you think this room just has Dawn all over it.." I exclaim as I jump on the bed with full force and a hand on my forehead.

"The amount of clothing space Dawn." She says taking in the room.

"The amount of clothing you own won't even fit a single closet."

"Plus mom this room suits a teenager more, look at the desk I can put my cameras on there and my laptop and speakers." I watch her frown.

"If you do get this room. . you need to keep the mess limited!" she says her voice stern.

"Of course." I respond, relaxing on the back of my head.

"Now get ready for bed." she says before giving me a mid air kiss.


After getting into the steaming hot shower and letting the hot water run down my skin, I step out and get dressed in a sleeping shorts, a pair of high knee socks and a black oversized Artic Monkeys shirt.

"What the actual fuck!" I hear a girl screaming from outside my window.

"Harry get the fuck out! NOW!" she repeats with a angered tone.

I let my curiosity get the best of me and quickly rush over to see what the racket is all about.

I part my curtains and look through the big window squinting abit before seeing a male figure with a leather jacket storming through the front door.

He has thick curly locks but I can't really see his face or expression, one thing is for sure his seems pretty damn ticked off, he kicks one of the pot plants before being followed by a young looking girl.

The girl has blond hair with a oversized shirt, she follows the boy barefoot to a motorbike before screeching and throwing him with something.

The boy starts the motorcycle and ignores her action, after he had gone she starts crying abit before retrieving the thing she threw and looks up at me.

She catches me off guard and I quickly back away almost tripping over the long curtain.

After a minute or so I grow the courage to look out again but when I do she is gone and the porch light is off.

I shut my eyes and squeeze the curtains between my hands,

So stupid they saw you, oh my gosh Dawn.

My subconscious scowls me I just hope I don't see those two again... how embarrassing.

Beastie. HS*Where stories live. Discover now