Caffè Latte

175 7 4

So many thoughts running through my mind as I let the piercing hot water run down my skin.

I have no problem with a new job and finally getting out of the house for a while but, I was hoping to get a hold of Avery somehow.

Obviously asking Harry for her number is out of the question and Acacia? the question is will she even be willing to speak to me yet alone snatch her friends from her like I did her 'Boyfriend'

Are they even dating? it didn't look like it to me when he was to busy sucking your face.

That and the fact that I haven't even asked him. I get out the shower after washing my hair.

I brush my teeth with my white towl tightly wrapped around my body, I wash my face and stare into the mirror,

remember smile, always, don't interrupted him when he is giving you instructions, keep your big mouth shut!.

You know thinking about it Betty is a real ass, always thinking of ways to shut me up, remind me that IM WRONG or that SHE'S RIGHT

I sigh as I stare at myself, my pink cheeks and my lips all puffed up, I wonder what a guy like Harry sees in me. There's tons of other girls he could have, I'm to... what's the word?

Unexperienced  Betty slams her head against a pillow.

Definitely unexperienced, stop dwelling for goodness sake and get done.

I quickly head over to my bed and examine my outfit for the day, my ripped black jeans with a white V-neck top and my Chelsea boots.

I straighten my black hair before finishing of with some mascara, It's just a job at a small little Caffè how hard can it possible be? I think heading downstairs and grabbing my black silk bag.

I get my coconut oil lip balm and pop it into my bag along with my wallet and phone.

"Shoot..." how am I going to get there? my mom must have taken the car right? but she travelled by plane?

I unlock my front door to check if the car is outside and it is.

Thankful I lock the front door and quickly run to the car opening the car door and jumping in, as soon as I find the car key's underneath the seat I start it up and head on.


The place looks bigger than I expected, teens coming in and out of the little black door, I park as close as I possibly can which is literally three lightyears away!

I walk into the Caffè shop and a gust of strong coffee fills my senses, I smile at a few people sitting chatting as they are drawn to the door opening and the little bell ringing.

"Hi, can I help you?" I pull my attention off of the cute collage couple sitting staring at each other, mesmerized.

"Hi" I say to the small blond standing in front of me with a big white smile.

"I'm the new employee? " I ask abit unsure and out of place.

"Dawn? is that right." she asks as she walks to the counter and I have to mind not to bump into people.

"We were expecting you sooner. " she says as she walk around to the other side.

"Yes, I'm sorry my mom only told me this morning that I am starting today..."

"Oh that's alright, I'm just glad you could make it, well come on through, you need to get in your uniform. " she chuckles and I follow her into the back room

"This place looks amazing." I say as I watch her bending to get something.

"It is, Zain did a great job picking this place, always busy which means good business, but for us not so much, some of the girls can be real bitches." she gets up with a duplica of her outfit.

"I can imagine, Zain?" I ask unsure as I take the uniform and place my bag down.

"Mhuh his the manger, he only comes on a Tuesdays and Thursdays, or fills in on night shifts. You will like him, not our usually shitty old bags." she says as she foldes her arms and I laugh.

"That's reassuring, do you know my schedule and so on, sorry my mom didn't really fill me in about any of this. " I roll my eyes.

"No that's great, the more questions you ask the better I feel about my job, it means you dedicated? well at least that's what I'm hoping, you work three days a week, each week you get a day of, you pick, but you need to make a decision fast. I need to inform Zain. "

I pick my clothes of the floor nodding at what she's saying, I like these uniforms, black dress with a green overall.

"Okay.. that sounds great, and salary wise?" I ask as she holds her hands out for my clothes and I hand them to her.

"For now you relying on the tips, when Zain gets back you discuss that with him." she smiles at me

"Are you ready? "

"As I'll ever be." And we head back to the Caffè shop.

She teaches me how to make a perfect latte and the perfect fruppuchino.

"You got this? I have some tables to get to?"

"Yeah I'm great." as I give her a nod.

"Oh and by the way I'm Samantha. " she says.

"Dawn."I reply and she winks before walking to her table at the far end.

I like it here, I think as I continue to make lattes on lattes as the orders keep flying in.

I smile as I look around the place, there's so many people working here and learning their names will be a challenge but they all seem pretty rad to me.

Beastie. HS*Where stories live. Discover now