Rekindled 2

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I look up at her and I can't even speak cause I'm afraid if I do I might cry, losing her will hurt but all of a sudden she sits down on the bed and looks out at the sliding door out to the darkness.

A huge weight of relief washes over me as I play with my fingers. I feel like I've gone to far maybe been to harsh I mean she did come all this way for me she loves me and I love her too.

"Dawn you don't understand. ... what you WANT I will always want it for you too... but if it's hurting you then what kind of friend will I be to watch while standing at the sidelines, watch all the tears you spilling and watch how you get horrible nightmares...? But then what type of friend would I be to decline you of something that will make you smile brighter than you ever have, make you laugh louder than anyone else can.... cares for you with just as much love I imagine you deserve.. you see all these things come into play... either way I will be the bad one on either choice. ..." I hear how her voice break and I swollow the lump in my throat. ..

She looks at me and her eyes are bloodshot red and I can't help but cry, cry at this amazing friend I'm sooo lucky to have found and so lucky to love me like she does.

"Seeing you like this... hearing what you had to say... what do I say to that?"

I sit still as I watch her before putting my hand out she takes it.

"Just because someone desires you does not mean that they value you. Say it over and over. Again. Let those words resonate in your mind. When someone shows you there true colours believe it the first time, dont try to paint another picture. It will never change. People come in and out of your life for a reason. Accept the different between a blessing and a lesson. " she says.

Streams of tears flood down my cheeks as I try and accept what she's saying even though I'm to scared to.

Avery moves to my back and we lay like we wrapped in a cocoon. I close my eyes as I hear her breathing and I start crying. She soothes me as she rubs my arm but all I can do is cry, cry and let go, cry and not care who is watching or listening, cry because it feels like my heart is breaking, tearing because it feels like I'm forced to have to choose between my best friend and my other half.


My eye's flutter open to soon be shut tight by the strong stream of light filling the room. My neck is aching and I move my body a little before I realise that there are a pair of arms rapped loosely around my body, I look down and see a a mood ring on the persons right hand and immediately recognise it as Averys.

Her breathing steady and calm, I rub my eye's and they feel like someone punched me in both of them because they itching and beyond swollen. I slid off the bed and walk to the bathroom, looking in the mirror I look a mess, a bandage once again on my body I chuckle isn't there always. My skin white as snow and funny enough actually pretty warm.

My face on the other hand looks like thousands of bee's sprung on it causing it to look a pinkish colour and my hair looks dirty wavey, I shake my head as I lean on the basin and with my right hand I comb through my tangled hair.

Looking like I do I take a quick in and out shower just to feel alive before I have to face the hard longing decision I have to make.

I drap myself in a towl and slowly peak through the door but Avery is fastened in her dream world. Walking over to the closet I retrieve some clothes, a plain white top and a high waisted jeans I examine myself in the body length mirror, I have no idea who got all these clothing for me but its surprisingly not to shabby.

You better get your ass downstairs and speak to your lover before Avery wakes up who knows what she will do.

I bite my trembling lip as I walk out the room, the house is quite but a strong smell of familiar flapjacks fills the living room, I walk in the kitchen and it's Ms Smuts. 

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