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"Oh honey, carefully" my mom says in a panic, I'm laying on bed like a sick dog with my head hanging over as I vomit in a small dustbin.

"What did you eat today?" My mom ask, I shake my head before projecting out more vomit, her phone rings and she looks wryly at me.

"I'll be right back" she says whispering before kissing me on my forehead and heading outside into the corridor.

I take a breather and lay on my back, I frown at the stinch of the smell, I have no idea what came over me I think the though of Harry.

never wanting to see YOU again just upsets you so much that you get sick before your mom has to go on a business trip smart,going.

My innerself inturupts me and I squeeze my eyes shut, I totally forgot about that!

I look over at my bedside clock 5:24, jesus the time flies past so quick. My mom needs to leave it's on of the biggest contracts she has gotten yet and I'm not going to ruin it for here.

"Yes... yes, yes, I understand.. I fully understand..oh okay bye"

I hear my mom approach my door before she peeks inside to see how I'm doing.

"Hey baby" she smiles walking over to me with a faint smile.

"How you feeling? "

"Mhm better" I say looking at her as she looks back at me.

"Mom you don't have to stay at home, you can't stay at home" I say moving uncomfortably on my bed.

"No you're not feeling well, I've asked Pete to give me an extra week" she pretends to sound all normal but I see how worried she is.

"No mom, it's just something that will pass... I promise I will be fine in fact I'm feeling better already" I say smiling at her.

She smiles back, "Are you sure?" she asks scanning my face.

"Yes mom...go!" I chuckle and she does the same.

"Okay I'll just warm up some food for you or do you want some two minute soup?"

"Yes I'll have but you need to go, I'll handle it" I say getting up.

"Wait, I still have a few minutes or so and I'll make it madam!" she smiles getting up and going into the bathroom, I hear the running water and she walks back with a face towl in here hands.

"Here" she says patting the wet towl on my head and I sigh at the warmth.

"I'll be right back, I'll just go get the soup ready then I'll be on my way, promise" she says dabbing the towl on my forehead.

When she leaves I get up and hold my head, I suddenly get all dizzy and everything is a blur, about a minute or so I look over at the 'vomit basket' I cringe at the sight and take the dustbin in my hands while walking into the bathroom, I look into the mirror.

God everything is just so complicated, I think while washing my face and brushing my teeth.

"Dawn? honey you done?"

"Yeah, are you ready? " I say tying up my hair as I walk out the bathroom, she puts a soup bowl on my counter and rubs her hands together, I raise my eyebrows.

"I guess, honey are you sure you will be alright, Pete already said I could stay for a while there's really no worry."

"Yes,mom, you should just go I will be okay plus I'll really be safe on my own I mean I'm in a totally strange neighborhood and there is ABSOLUTELY no way in knowing how dangerous it is here." I say looking at her, all of a sudden, pale face.

"l'm joking mom" I say walking over to her.

"Jokes like that aren't funny" she says pulling me in for a huge, she breathes into my hair.

Beastie. HS*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz