House Party

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I wake up to the dim sunlight playing in my room and slowly sit up yawning. I look over to my side and remember Avery slept over.

Slowly walking downstairs the smell of flapjacks and bacon drift in my nose.

"Avery? " I call as I walk into the kitchen.

"Tada!" She says as I slowly walk up the little stairs and take a seat at the kitchen counter, two big white plates filled with flapjacks and eggs and bacon are decorating the counter.

"You seriously made all this??" I ask and she nods her head as she takes a sip of her coffee.

"I had to give you the 'Avery breakfast deluxe' " she says and I laugh.

"I'm use to it don't sweat it, I have a brother and he eats like a locust! "

"Great! Maybe we should invite him over cause I seriously doubt I can eat all this food." I say.

"Oh believe me I can!" She laughs as she sits next to me and we both dig in.

"This house is really big, why don't we throw you a house party? To get you to know everyone?" Avery asks as she takes my plate and I get up to clean the counter.

"Oh no thanks I'll pass! I think I know everyone I need to know. I don't want to even touch on the idea of meeting another one of Acacia. "

"No I mean really know everyone I'll get my brother to come and my friend Liam, c'mon it will be fun..." I raise my eyebrows as I take what she's saying all in.

"Fine, but if my mom comes home ironically I'll seriously never seen daylight again. "

"Okay okay, this is going to be awesome! I can set you up with my one friend Joshua! His really funny and smart or even Mason!! Definitely not his brother though a total nut head! "

Avery says as we both head upstairs and I room my eyes.

"What's wrong with his brother? "

"He tried to grump me at one of his cheap party's it was soo disgusting, and that's actually the day Nick and I met. He punched him in the face, caused him his nose, it was like something from a romance novel, like Romeo and Julia except for the whole killing part..."

Avery explains and I laugh louder as I see all the expressions she makes.

"Oh Avery so mellow dramatic."

We soon head upstairs as soon as we finished cleaning the dishes.

"What should I wear? Are you sure this is a good idea?? That anyone will even come, Avery how are the people going to fine out??" I ask panicked as I tie my hair in a loose bun.

"Relax it'll be fine, I just messaged all my friends that will let the rest know, come let's see what you've got in your closet." She opens my drawers and closets and gasps.

"Dawn Stevens you might be a total weirdo but you have style!" She says and I nudge her before I laugh and head into the bathroom to take a shower.

"What about this?" Avery lifts up a blue ripped skinny jeans and a beatles top.

"Yeah that looks great, what are you going to wear?" I ask as I dry my hair with a towl.

"I'm not sure is it alright if I borrow a top? I have this black skirt, similar to the one you wore yesterday."

"You can check." I take the outfit from her and sit on my bed.

"I'm exhausted." I sigh as I watch Avery scurrl through the draws.

"From what now?" She asks as she grabs a few clothing and throws in on the floor before sitting down and looking at me.

"Oh god, I have no idea. I feel emotionally drained but... physically numb. Does that even make sense?" I scrunch my face and rub my eyes.

"Yeah, but listen here tonight we are going to have fun okay? Screw Harry and Acacia the toy everyone has had a go at and just have fun."

"Okay?" She asks as she touches my leg.

"Okay." I smile and sit down with her.

After about a hour or so we have gotten ready and all there was left to do was get the snacks.

"I'll run down and grab some snacks at the store. "

"And exactly what do I do?" I ask walking down the stairs, Avery grabs her purse and swings the door open.

"Just.. well just get in the vibe. ..? Dawn you seriously just need to chill out this isn't a science experiment it's just a small party for stupid collage kids that have an excuse to get drunk and at the end of the night bang their brains out. Now relax!"

"Okay fine go and hurry." I say panicked and Avery shuts the door.

Oh Dawn what are you thinking, wait you obviously haven't.

I walk over to the trash can and grab the black bag before walking out and throwing it away outside.

"Hi." I hear a voice and turn around. It's a young guy with shinning black hair in a black leather jacket.

"Hey?" I reply as I look around.

"Do I know you?" I ask as I dust my hands off.

"Danial, nice to meet you." He introduces himself and hold his hand out.

"Dawn Stevens , I'm sorry I probably have meet you but I must've forgotten? " I ask.

"No no you haven't actually, I'm new to the neighborhood, I saw you from across the street, thought I should say hi." I smile at him and chuckle.

"Well hi I just moved here as well. Where are you from?"

"Seattle. . How about you, when did you move here."

"Just recently actually and I moved here from California. "

"Nice I've always wanted to go, so are you doing anything special today? "

"Actually I'm having this little party? My friend is organising it, you can come if you like maybe you could meet a few people here. I know how it feels to feel sorta outta place and new." I fold my arms and he looks down to his feet before kicking a small stone.

"Are you sure I wouldn't want to introdue. "

"No it's fine hay I'll even introduce you as 'my stalker neighbour'" he laughs.

"Sounds fun I'll see you there, Dawn." I watch him as he runs across the street and I enter the house again.

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