In Sync

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Our lips move in sync once I part my lips and he slips his tongue in, the hotness of his breath makes me crave more as he moves his hands to the back of my back.

His left hand comes to my cheek and his kissing hardens, I groan at the pleasure his giving me.

He brakes our kiss and flicks his tongue on my upper lip and I exhale with pleasure, I open my eye's as I feel his hot breath on mine and his looking at me intensively like before,

holy shit .

My subconscious recovers and I repeat after her, "Holy shit...."

Harry smirks down at me as his right hand travels down my ass and he grabs it.

"I should probably go." he says looking at me with those deveus eyes.

"Mhuh" I say still recovering from what happened, he releases me and I watch as he walks away from me and out the front door leaving me out of breath.

"Holy shitt...." I repeat again as I lean on the counter and I trace my fingers across my puffy pink lips, I smile as I replay what just happened and my subconscious begins again,

what was that! you just stood there and let him kiss you argg!

I see her standing with smoke coming from her ears and I frown, I slowly make my way to the sofa and lay down on my side, thinking thinking thinking.


"Dawn, Dawn baby." I hear a faint voice. My mom's voice as I slowly opening my eye's.

"Hey.. you sleep well? " she asks as she strokes my head pushing strains of hair of my forehead.

"Mmm" I groan.

"I came home late last night, found you sleeping on the sofa..." I sigh closing my eyes still tired.

"What time did you come home?" I say in almost a whisper.

"Late last night." she says getting up and heading to the kitchen.

"Made some flapjacks." She says as I stretch.

"Smells good." I say getting up sighing.

"What are we doing today? " I ask while walking over to the fridge and getting some orange juice out.

"Uhrm I won't be here for awhile Dawn..." I hear her speak hesitantly.

"What do you mean?" I ask placing the juge on the counter and sitting down watching her move around swiftly in the kitchen.

"I have to be away for a while." she says placing my plate down and I frown.

"For how long mom?" I ask looking down at the perfectly round flapjacks.

"A week or so." she says joining me.

"What?" I ask shocked and I look up at her.

"Honey I have to... its for business." she says fiddling with her fork before looking at me, I turn away from her avoiding eye contact.

"Mom... this is all great and all and I'm more than happy for you getting this deal but... school is on Monday and I'm starting from scratch. .. now you telling me on a Sunday that you won't be here?" I ask quietly.

"Dawn school ends in two days, I went to town and found this really cute coffee shop you can work at to keep you busy while I'm gone its good pay... " she responds.

"Dawn." she demands and I look at her.

"I promise I won't be out long holidays is around the corner and I'll be back, if...if.. you want to stay home and wait till the next semester I'll phone the school and arrange it." she ask as I close my eyes rubbing ny temple.

"Yeah .. that sounds great." I say.

This doesn't sound good Dawn your mom won't be home for a week and your still hanging out with that scumbag!

My subconscious nags and I cut into my bacon and finish it up.

"When are you leaving?" I ask as I place my fork down.

"Tonight late night, I was thinking once I finish off my last bit of work I could take you down town with me maybe get you some new clothing, those delivery men are taking ages! I complaint the other day and they said it will be here in a day or so so check out for that." she says getting up and taking my plate.

I finish off my last gulp and help her with dishes.

The house is clean and I feel terrible, my head is aching and I fell grubbing so I go upstairs and take a long hot shower thinking about everything that happened over the past three days,

How you slept in a stranger's bed and let him suck your face , agg you stupid stupid girl.

My subconscious once again won't shut up but thinking what she is saying..... it sounds sooo wrong and how I enjoyed it sounds even worse.

She might actually have a point I should stay clear of Harry and his nuisance of friends thay nothing but trouble, I think to myself as I turn the shower off and dry myself.

I walk into my room with my towl around my body and another around my head and I pick out something to wear- A high waisted jeans with the band KIZZ top on and a pair of convers.

I look in the mirror and wipe my face with a clean wipe before drying my hair and making them in lose curls.

"Mom I'm ready." I walk past her bedroom and down the stairs going into the library room.

"Mm no no that sounds great Pete, I'll have the documents sent right away, arrangements for the meeting will be sent and all bank accounts statements will be printed out, okay bye." I stand in the door way waiting patiently for my mom to finish.

"Yes baby could you get my purse please its one the kitchen counter."

"Yeah" I reply heading into the kitchen before retrieving all our stuff, I stand by the door and open it before stepping into the hot summer day, I smile feeling the warmth.

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