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"Dawn!" I jump up as I hear Harry banging on the door while screaming my name, don't bloody open the door you fool!

I stand still biting on my nails as I stare at the door, what do I say? he saw me and now I feel like a total moron because, I realize that it is my turn to admit I'm a creeper, being at the wrong place at the wrong time is my speciality.

"Dawn, open the god damn door! Now!" he bangs once more and I shakily reach for the door unlocking it.

There he stands in a black tank top with his messy hair, I freeze.

"For gods sake finally!" he says as he quickly looks in my eyes and walks past me.

"Well by all means please come in." I say sarcastically.

"Now you pick the time to be funny? " he asks as he looks at me with his dark pupils, I close the door gripping onto the handle.

"Where is Acacia...?" I ask afraid to know.

"What were you doing over there Dawn?" he asks ignoring my question, jeez.

"I.. wanted Averys number.. and I thought that umh.." I clear my voice trying not to sound intimidated "That she might have it."

I state my point bravely, ha! suree.

"Avery?" he asks cocking his head to the side, I nod my head.

"Didn't I tell you to stay away from them..." he combs his hands through his curls in annoyance.

"You don't get to tell me what to do!" I snap back, he turns around, his lips are in a straight line and his face shows some amusement.

"What?!" I ask abit annoyed.

He shakes his head and I walk past him into the living room.

"You just seem to surprise me Dawn." he chuckles as he follows me, I glare at him as I kick my shoes off and sit crossed legged on the couch, he sits on opposite side.

I stare at him and he stares at me

"Where is your mom?" he asks as he leans on his knees and he squints his eyes at me, concentrating on me, I squirm.

Your mom? really?

"My mom?" I ask abit shocked.

"Yeah you said you lived with her?" he says not leaving my eye's

"I do... she left" I say breaking eye contact, looking around the living room trying to find something to look at besides him!

"Left?" he ask in his 'really tell me more' tone, I roll my eyes, like he cares.

"What? did you just roll your eyes at me?" he asks in a defensiveness voice, I look at him smiling and he grins

"Business. a business trip." I state and his grin wides and Bitchy Betty arches her eyebrows with a HELL NO look on her face.

"All alone? oh" he says and my insides flutter, what does he mean by oh?

"Alright then..." I say feeling the goosebumps arise on my bare arms, I fiddly with my hands as he stares at me.

He gets up from his sitting position and just stands there for a moment, contemplating his next move I assume and honestly I'm excited.

Before I know it I he pulls me up into his arms.

He pulls me to his chest in a rush. Kissing me hard, I part my lips so I can feel his hot breath once more, Finally all the tension and chemistry is unleashed and I feel a sudden warmth over me.

He grabs me roughly and moves me to the wall pushing me up against it, I lift my hands up to his hair tugging hard, wanting more.

He picks me up while walking to the kitchen counter setting me down, our kiss breaks with our faces only inches apart I stare into his eyes, oh how I've fallen for this beautiful and so so wrong person.

Beastie. HS*Where stories live. Discover now