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"Here we are ladies." I hear Louis say before lifting my chin from my hands and shifting my attention to the front, I can hear loud music blasting from the house in front of us, I pop the car door open as soon as I hear the engine die.

I get out of the car and quickly move to Acacias side, all three of us walk past the crowded lawn full of college kids drinking drinks in red plastic cups and kids making out.

"Look who finally decided to join the party!" I hear a male voice booming over the loud music as we step inside.

I rudely get pushed out of the way by a brunette girl covering her mouth before hearing her vomiting in a nearby buss and hearing some kids cheering her on and some scowling her out.

"Nick! my man." I hear Louis reply before looking at Nick and Louis doing a stupid boy hand shake.

"Hey A how's it been?" I watch him great Acacia but she just ignores it rolling her eyes and pushes past him into the crowd living room to the kitchen.

"Ha!" he chuckles before looking at me.

"And who is thiss." he says scanning me up and down and I just frown at him.

"This is Dawn, A's new beastie." Louis says smiling at me and I return it.

"Nice to meet you Babe." he says taking my hand in his and kissing it not leaving his eye's from me, what the actual fuck, I think giving him an awkward smile.

"Beastie?" I hear a female voice and I see Nick letting go of my hand and turning around, it was a ginger haired girl with a beautiful smile frowning at Nick

"Urm Ginger this is Dawn, A's new friend.." Nick says and looks at Louis who throws his hands in the air.

She squints her eye's at him before slowly turning to face me.

"Hi." I say, she gives me a smile before grabbing me and hugging me, I return the gesture.

"Any friend of A's is a friend of mine." she says pulling away and taking my hands in hers, I look around at Louis but he just smirks at me before giving me a nod.

"Now you boy's behave yourself." She says pointing her index finger in the air while she continues to drag me somewhere.

"So whats your name." I ask her as we stop in a less crowded room with two separate couches, a black round table with red cups scattered around ontop of it

"Avery." she screams over the noise and hands me a cup, I just nod and then eye the cup

"C'mon take it, it's not poison." she screams yet again and give her a grin and take a sip, its melonade but the kick here seems like its more vodka shots than anything else really.

She gives out a laugh as I cough.

"Come dance with me." she says before setting her cup down.

"What?" I ask her as she grabs my hand again.

"I said dance with me." she says abit louder, the thing is I heard her perfectly clear I was just hoping I misheard her.

"Yeah okay sure." I say before my mind can process what I just said and I earn a hug smile from her.

She pulls me back to the living room before dropping my hands and starts swaying her hips to the sound of the music that's being played.

I have been to party's before not hectic one's but I've watched enough movies to know what to do and how to dance at hectic one's so I did the same, gulping down the pink liquid and throwing the cup to the floor before losing myself to the music with Avery.

We danced for probably about and hour and I start getting really thirsting.

"Who owns this place!?" I scream at her looking around the place, it has a staircase aswell leading to a much bigger balcony overlooking the entire living room

"Harry." she says lifting her hands in the air and closing her eyes while moving again, Harry?....

Beastie. HS*Where stories live. Discover now