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"Harry..." I say, his face white as snow.

"Elizabeth told me.... it's not your fault... she says you not part of all this.. is she right?" I ask silently praying his answer is a yes and that he will walk over to me and wrap me into his embrace.

"N-no never,  Dawn, I would never intentionally hurt you- you have to believe me." His voice cracks and my heart swells

"I know its just.... I don't know why your dad would do this. .?" I say looking down.

He walks into the bedroom, "His a cold man." Harry says as he squeezing his eyes shut, I look down at his clutched fist and reach out to touch it, he intakes a sharp breath as I stand and pull his face to me.

I search in his eyes but all I see is a lost boy.

"Harry your not a bad person, your a good person who bad things have happened to. Besides, the world isn't split into good people and death eaters

We've all got both light and dark inside us, What matters is the part we choose to act on, that is who we really are."

He takes my face in his palms and his warmth radiates through my whole body,  welcoming it.

"I always think of you before I fall asleep,  the words you say the way you look. The way you laugh and the veryy awkward but strangely intimate moments we share. And when I dream, I dream of you.  Because its about you, it's always about you." He says trailing his thumb over my bottom lip.

"The night at the party... you were so mad at me. . And when Avery said you disappeared I was so worried and ..... Angry!"

He explains and I hear his emotion,  "Then I saw you at my place- here- and you looked so beat up and.....and  broken,  I couldn't believe I did that to you. "

"Harry, you didn'-"

"But I did. " he says as he clenches his jaw.

"And I had thantopia when I almost-" he says stopping again,  I realize his talking about the night he choked me.

I look down as I touch his hand on my face and close my eyes.

"Look at me." He says and I do as I'm told.

He pulls my face forward and his lips find mine, I let everything go, my anger towards his dad, him, and the fact that I allowed myself to fall for him, but I did there's no denying that, I love this man. And I feel safe with him.


I'm being dragged,  dragged into oblivion,  hearing muffled voices and a strong hand on my hips. My eyes closed and my wrists and ankles tied together I feel like I'm in hell. Until finally I'm set down on a soft base and the voices die out and all of a sudden I'm alone.

Only my sharp breathing and the ringing in my ears, I wiggle around trying to get loose but I fail.

My mind jumbled up as I think what last I did before all of this happened and where Harry is.

We had a quiet day him telling me about his mom, his life before the accident,  I shudder as I think what I would do if my mom died in a car crash, me surviving and my mom....


Betty stops me while soothing her temple's,  he looked so lost, I've never seen that side of Harry, just a Harry that I remembered thinking he was a complete fuck. But after yesterday,  I had a totally different perspective of him but still as closed up as ever.

I feel a hot tear on my cheek, what if I never get to see him, fix him. What if I never see anyone.

And just like that, the sadness swepts over me like the moon pulling the tide back to the ocean, like it was meant to be,  like the thrive best in the habit of depression.

Now my hope of anything has been diminished, my soul is drying up, my body is vacant, the heat is escaping from my body and I shudder once again, not of coldness but disgust, disgust of his dads business.

Im like a ghost stuck between reality and the afterlife looking for a way to be found, looking for a spark of something,  anything. But somehow knowing I won't find anything at all.

I hear a door crack open and I pull my eye lids open to be met with a stream of dim light. The person's breathing is shallow as he walks towards me and I shift back afraid.

"Its alright babe." I hear a female voice as she pulls the sheet over my head.

She's beautiful,  black hair and a beautiful full smile,  she's a lot older than me but looks extremely well for a age of 36 I presume.

She smiles a sad smile as she undoes my tied hands. I swallow as I watch her sit back and watch me. I undo the material from my mouth and look at her.

"My name's Sasha.. and you are?" She asks waiting for my response,  my mind blank as I answer.

"Dawn.." I say in a low tone.

"Come, lets get you cleaned up." She says getting up from the bed,  Bitchy Betty scowls as I reach out for her hand as she leads out into the bright hallway.

My heart pounding so loud I swear Sasha can hear as we walk further out, I scan my surroundings and feel how my head starts spinning. There are girls EVERYWHERE, some semi naked, some clothed,  some looking as bad as I did the first day Henry's men took me.

I look at a girl that looks around 15 and I feel a knot in my throat and my eye's blurring, she has stunning grey eye's but somehow the life seems suck out of them as she cradles on a stoll. I want to grab her and hug her promising that she will get through this that she will get out of this, that everything will be okay.  But I know its not true.

I feel Sashas hands on my shoulders as she directs me into a room, I sniff as I realize that I've actually been crying.  The room is a dressing room with a mirror that is decorated with lights and make-up cases on it's shelves. In the corner is a rack with shining skimpy outfits and I cringe.

Sasha sits me down and closes the door behind her, "Where am I.?" I ask as she turns me to face the mirror.

I look a mess, my nose is bright red, my hair is braided into a fish braid and the bags under my eyes are fully visible.

"Mr Style's men brought you here, I was instructed to get you ready for your audition." Sasha says without looking me in the eyes.

Audition? I stay silent as she tips her brush into the pink blush and swipes it across my cheeks, she turns me to face her and away from the mirror.

She then applies some mascara to my eyes and some eye shadow. I sit still as I feel the layers and layers of make up she's applying and I feel like a porcelain doll. She finishes of with a bright colour of red lipstick and then a gloss to my plumped lips.

I breath steadily as she gets up and walks over to the rack inspecting the outfits. I turn myself around and I look like a completely different person.  I only have a few seconds to look at my new look before she pulls me up and shoves me a bright red bra and underwear that's coated with diamond's, real or not I'm unsure.

I look at her, "Put it on babe." She says and I look down at it again.

"Go on now. " she says again and I correspond while looking around the room for any way of escaping, I slip the white silk clothing of my body and slip on the new clothing.

"See, you look better. " she says taking my braid in her hand and undoing it, my black hair falls over my face and covers my over exposed bosoms. She turns me to the mirror.

"Please,  I don't want to be here. ..." I plea and she shakes her head.

"Stop! Babe I'm sorry for whatever mess you got into but I'm only doing my job Mr St-" shes cut short as the door flies open.

We both get startled and a man walks in with two more to his side, the one is Rob and the other is someone I'm not familiar with.
The man in front of me scans me up and down and all of a sudden I feel like a dissected frog. 

"Sasha,  you did good." He says slowly as he licks his lips and I feel like clawing his eyeballs out.

Beastie. HS*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora