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"Soo.." I try to cut the tension, He moves to my side, my stomach churning I move swiftly.

"So.. your mom is out of town?" He asks me and my head shots up.

"Yeah.. how do you know that? " I ask studying his face.

"You told me..." he states.

"I did not...she only left yesterday. " I state moving to face him, how did he know, well I know for a fact that I didn't tell him, I spoke to him just after my mom came home that night.

"Harry." I wait for a response.

He shocks me by getting up then hesitantly placing his hands in his pocket before fishing out a little scrunched up piece of paper, he throws it on the kitchen table then walks away.

"Harry...? Wait-" I say getting up but I'm to late as I jump by the slamming door.

I move to the counter and open the piece of paper.

Its Averys number? Thought he didn't want you spending time with them. But then again he tells you to stay away from him but he keeps on showing up.


I'm laying in bed with my phone and the scrunched up piece of paper, Harry is so confusing he says something but does something els.

I dial the number, "Hey?" Averys voice sounds through the phone.

"Heyy... it's me Dawn?" I reply as I close my eye's.

"Oh god heyy, where did you get my number? I miss you. I tried to get your number from Acacia but..."

"Yeah.. I know we're not actually that close, I think she has mixed feelings about me. I don't know. " I say fumbling with the paper.

"Yeah that's Acacia for you, why don't we do something tomorrow or so? You are coming to the party right? Of course you are, I'll ask Niall my buddy, to pick you up?"

"Tomorrow? I'm not sure, I kinda have a job." I laugh.

I hear her chuckle at the end of the line, "A job huh? Where? "

"Caffè Latte." I say bringing up my fingers and tracing them across my dry lips.

"What?..." I hear a pause.

"I know... it's small but you know my mom... she thought it was a start off point? Or something, its just temporarily though. " I lick my lips.

"The owner- Zain... and Harry aren't really that friendly towards each other. "

"Oh.. really? " I ask curious.

"What happened? "

"They just didn't rub off greatly with another, it makes sense though, two different worlds I guess. " My phone beeps, its my battery.

"Oh .. shit sorry my battery is low." I frown

"Okay babe, I'll see you tomorrow then?"

"Yeah sounds great, at 7 or so? After my shift. "

"Great I'll pick you up then?"

"Okay see you."

"Shot. Beastie. " And she hangs up.


I wake up with half the blankets on the floor and groan. Work work, work I think, while laziness gets to me.

Walking to the bathroom stripping, I jump into the steaming hot shower and tilt my head letting the water relax me.


Scurrling through my collection of boring clothing I finally pull on a black bodysuit with a white ripped jeans.

I walk to my full body mirror examining myself.

I draw myself away from the mirror and grab my black lace choker from my drawer.

After putting on my black combat boots I curl my hair into black loose curls before running downstairs with my phone in my hands.

"Blaize. How you? It feels like forever since we spoke, I'm sorry for not contacting you earlier or.. whatever. I actually have a job, you know mom and her tactics, she is actually away on a short business trip. Basically home alone, I just thought to give you a call to say hi. I miss you so much. Call me back as soon as you get this. Later love."

I sit in the car as I switch my phone off, it's strange that she didn't answer, knowing Blaize she would pick up gracefully hoping its José trying to spite him for their breakup. I smile at the memory as I open the car door and head into the little Caffè shop.

"Dawn! Thank god just in time, come." Samantha says after excusing herself from a cute old couple sitting by the window.

"Hey yeah, sorry I'm late. " I follow Samantha to the back

"You look nice. " she says handing me my uniform. And I smile.

"My best friend back home got me this bodysuit." I say and follow her back oit front

"I thought it was a bodysuit. Okay so today your going to be serving, you have table 5, 7 and 9." She says scribbling something on her pad.

"Okay, that sounds good, which tables though? " I ask tying my hair in a very messy loose ponytail.

"Over here, there and there." she points to the last table where the old couple sat.

It looks cozy as the sun beams in between the pot flowers outside, on each brown table there is a cute coffee jar and a spoon placed in it, making it look more spontaneous.

Before I know it the time flies and I'm immediately excited to see my new ginger haired friend that I have become so fond of.

"Dawn..pssst" I hear Samantha call me as I put my casual clothes on. I turn around and I see her head stuck out.

"His here, out front. Hurry up now. " she giggles and for a short brief moment my eye's widen.

Harry? Is she talking about harry? She cant be she hardly nows him. Well for your sake not unless his a manwhore as well

I pull my hair loose. I scan the shop as I walk over standing next to Samantha, but no sign of Harry but a very very attractive looking guy smiling up at me.

Beastie. HS*Where stories live. Discover now