Here we go again

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One year later ... First meeting of the Winchester and the Holmes

"In the three, you will enter the labyrinths of chairs and find the clues and you will return here, where you will have five minutes to catch your breath and solve the mystery," said Mrs. Hudson in a microphone, sitting in a chair on top of a small "stage" improvised by Dean with a little help from his grandmother.

Sherlock-Why'd you get me out of the competition? However simple it is for me, it doesn't mean that I don't want to participate

Molly-You're a lousy loser

Emily- (smile) Don't worry, Father, I will represent the Holmes, that wooden leg will not be a match for me.

Dean-Wooden Leg? Who's calling me the wooden leg?

Emily- (smiles) You orangutan ... see if you can keep up with me (I smile as Mrs. Hudson starts and runs into the labyrinth)

Dean was able to run faster than Emily but even reading the track he couldn't decipher it

Mrs. Hudson-So what's the answer?

Dean-The wind?

Mrs. Hudson-Well who had right of reply was Emily but the answer is correct Dean

Everything was going well until a familiar sound was heard

Doctor- Did you start the competition without me?

Emily- (smiles and shrugs) Hey, you said you went to the bathroom and did not come back

Doctor-Ok Emily Holmes, but this was 5 seconds ago

Emily- (rolls her eyes) It actually was yesterday

Doctor-Really? My old TARDIS ...

Emily- (whispers to Sam) when I'm not looking she calls the TARDIS sexy

Doctor: Hey, can you keep my secrets? Thanks

Sherlock-If you came to participate in the competition, I'm sorry to inform you that our families decided to disqualify us for being too clever.

John-Oh, those were not the words, we really can't stand your ego

Doctor- Whose idea was that?

Mary-Mama, Daddy (she laughed) What are you doing here? Really?

Doctor (sighs) Seriously? Okay ... I've been working on one thing and I finally got it ... it was actually an accident, Emily and I were stuck in a time line at one time and some time later, okay, I always wanted to say that, I don't really understand the chronology of drawings that use this, just know it's too much. The fact is that Emily was connected to the TARDIS, from there making the if ... I say girl here traced all the timelines of the Holmes, but she went crazy and well maybe a trip will fix that and what a better thing for one of the Picnic events being the two families on a journey through space time.

John-I knew you would do this sooner or later.

Doctor-Now what's the problem with traveling John? Let's go

Sherlock-Say goodbye to normality my friend

Doctor-Do you all agree to go?

Before the Doctor spoke, everyone was already walking toward TARDIS, briefly reminding her of a scene from her 10th regeneration. After they all entered, the Doctor entered her old friend.

Doctor-Well, everyone hold on and ... (pulls on some of the TARDIS's levers and buttons)

As soon as they arrived at TARDIS it got dark and one by one they all started to fall due to a vapor that she started to release and the time lady was the last to faint.

A/N: So here it is! The sequel for Secrets Beetween Dimensions, the first of a lot more arcs that make part of this universe. Hope you guys enjoy it!

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