Crazy Plans in Skaro

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 Back in Skaro, the Doctor walked the corridors of the planet's main building, the place that used to be the home of Davros, now dead. There was no sign of Daleks or the army Jenny was part of.

All she wanted was to get out of there with her daughter, her husband, and her friend. It was something she was getting used to again. Have a family. She didn't want to lose them again. And now her old enemies wanted to kill an innocent boy. This she still could not fully understand. What interest did the daleks have in the boy who brought the Sherlock Holmes stories to fame? Then she realized it.

"Doctor," said a Dalek in his usual manner.

"I'm glad you recognize me," she said sarcastically. "Now give me answers. I'll be direct, what do you want with young Doyle?"

"Doyle will be our leader" the dalek replied "he created Sherlock Holmes. He made Holmes a machine and Doyle is a better machine yet, Doyle will take us to conquer death to humans, exterminate, exterminate ..."

"Is it possible that you are so blind like this?" The Doctor turned serious. "Doyle is just a boy named Artie. Completely kind, creative sweet and human. He has nothing to do with you."

"But he will." Doyle is prone to coldness "he will be our leader" the dalek countered in the same tone as always.

"That's what we shall see!" Said the timelady.

To the Doctor's good fortune, Jenny appeared at that moment. She was stunned for a second but soon managed to think of a plan to save her father.

"Sir, I detected the intruder," Jenny said in her voice of Cindy Shirley Lux "permission to take her captive."

"Permission granted," replied the dalek as they went out of their way.

"What are you doing here? I told you to wait for me to come back!" Jenny said irritably.

"I wouldn't stand there waiting for news, and now we know what they want with Artie," the Doctor replied in her lively tone.

The Doctor smiled and started, but changed her expression and thought again.

"I have a theory ..." she confessed standing in front of Jenny "can you take me, daughter?" After seeing the confused face of Jenny she smiled "I have to get inside the Dalek base somehow."

Halfway there, Riv and Sherlock paused to receive a message from Jenny, saying that she had found the Doctor. They bumped into the dalek base.

"Excuse me, but I cannot do it for my family at risk." The doctor tried to let them out, who had been unwillingly arrested.

After saying that nothing happened, the Doctor continued where she was "I'm not going to leave here ... I need to get in there."

"We came here to rescue you," said Sherlock indignantly and impatiently, "taking risks and all with a plan hurriedly arranged so that you would not come with us? I'm tired, Doctor."

"Mr. Holmes calm down please" Riv asked-let me deal with my wife's stubbornness since I am an expert at it.

"I may have run away but it was worth it" she defended herself proudly "I know why the Daleks want Artie. Apparently they think he would be their creator."

"What? Literally? I need you to develop this better." The detective turned to her still irritated.

"We somehow interfere with Arthur's fate," the Doctor said more calmly, "he's going to be a writer who tells of your adventures in the 19th and 20th century just because we were brought back to his time."

"Can these stupid cyborgs even turn a child into a Dalek?" Sherlock asked.

"I'm afraid so." Riv answered the question. "I've seen that in my adventures."

"Okay, if we want to stop this we have to do something" the detective got serious, his mind starting to work furiously "can you get in touch with Jenny? Tell her to bring us firewood, fuel, water, a pot and vegetables. Let's cook."

"But for what, ah," said Doctor, "we are going to cook my friend!"

"I know what food would taste amazing right now but we should get out of here first, don't you think?" Riv said.

"It's part of the plan, my love," said the timelady excitedly, "wait and watch!"

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