The secret in the departure

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Meanwhile, Mel parked the TARDIS in front of the Watson's house and walked in unceremoniously. Mary was the first to see him.

"I'm sorry to come in like this, my dear," he apologized. "I have an urgent business to deal with Holmes and Joan."

"Did you find out about Artie's killer?" Mary guessed.

"Yes," Mel replied and went into the house looking for Sherlock and the Doctor.

"Prof. Williams" Sherlock said grumpyly, "Is there something for us?"

"You have agreed, as you always do, Mr. Holmes," Mel said, "I need you to accompany me, to say goodbye to everyone, our journey will be long."

Even worried Sherlock understood the gravity of the situation and did what Riv was asking for. So he left his family and other inquiries about the care of the Watsons and followed him.

"Where are we going?" He asked, already inside the TARDIS.

"To the place of origin of the sphere" Riv responded by programming the coordinates "Skaro."

"And here we go again," Sherlock said, remembering the inhabitants of the planet.

"Wait Doctor," a female voice shouted in the distance, and as they turned around, they saw a woman wearing a mask "be careful."

"You ..." she tried to tell the Doctor, but the woman motioned for her to be quiet "now it all makes sense ... you are Eliza."

"Whatever ... keep me posted," Eliza said. "I still have my cell phone ... like everyone else's."

"You can leave." Doctor smiled and Mel and Holmes looked at each other. Even with the mask they would recognize that voice.

"Are you sure she'll be okay?" Sherlock said, a little worried.

"The consequences for her choices are coming" the Doctor replied "she will have to decide whether to reveal herself or not."

The Doctor was looking worried, she had never made that connection, but now everything got more dangerous.

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