Sayori(DDLC) X Male!Reader

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After a moment of silence, you made eye contact with the girl who had let you in to the room, Sayori. She gave you an infectious smile, which you couldn't help but return.

"Aren't you two adorable?" Monika said.

You looked at the club president a little confusedly. Sayori just smiled in response.

With that, you started writing your poem, putting your vocabulary to use. You decided to write about the uncertainty of the future and its infinite possibilities.

Once you were finished, you decided to give your poem to Sayori.

"Oh, for me? Thank you!" she said excitedly. You had to slightly wonder how she was able to radiate so much positive energy.

Her poem was no different. It was bright and cheerful, though you did for a moment sense something... sad about it.

"Oh, this poem is wonderful!" she said once she was finished with reading yours.

"It's nothing special, really." you say, trying to stay modest.

"No need to flatter yourself, you know?" she said, "You're good at this, so no need to play yourself down!"

"Well, thank you." you said.

With that, you enjoyed a pleasant afternoon with Sayori, who just seemed to never get tired of getting to know you. And you couldn't stop smiling like a big goof.

After a while, you checked you the time, and saw it was about time for you to head back.

"I think it's time I headed for home, Sayori." you told her, "It was a lot of fun, meeting you today."

"You're welcome!" she said, "By the way, where do you live?"

"Down the street East of school. House next to the one with a huge tree." you replied.

"Oh, no way!" she said, "I live way down the same street!"

"Neat." you replied.

You grabbed your backpack and Sayori followed behind very quickly. She kept chatting with you while the two of you walked down the street.

"Welp, this is my place." you said as you gestured to the modest little house.

"That tree's probably really neat on hot summer days, being there to give shade." Sayori said, looking at the pleasant shade made by the large tree.

"Yeah, that was what the old owner said." you replied, "Apparently their kid had a lot of happy memories from his childhood, playing with his friend in the shade of it."

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