C12: Trust ♧

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♧Inner Demon♧

"To what extent is our relationship a lie?"

I heard Sakuya say, knives on his hand.

♧Inner Demon♧

Dear Mama,

I used to have a crush on Mahiru because he was so nice to me.

But then I realized that my feelings were superficial because he's the only other person who's shown me kindness without asking any in return.

As I met Sakuya and the others, even my senpais, I realized that my feelings were nothing but gratitude instead of romantic love.

And that made me happy. Because I found a friend that I could trust.

And I realized that it was when Sakuya came along, everything changed after his arrival, one and a half year ago.


M. A.

♧Inner Demon♧

My eyes were wide as Mahiru gasped while Kitty Kuro was stunned from being captured. However, his stunned expression didn't last long when two swords lodged themselves down on the ground, barely missing him. My eyes widened even more at the sight. A few inches and he would've been skewered!

My stomach churned at the thought.

A maniacal laughter rang through the air and a familiar magician in white and pink landed beside Sakuya, ranting on and on about his show and Sakuya being late.



It took me only a few seconds to put two and two together as I stared at Sakuya and the magician, an individual I would never forget due to our first encounter with him.

What on earth...

Of all the people. Of all the vampires! He was affiliated with him!

If that guy is here then that would mean that Sakuya is Tsubaki's subclass. My lips pursed at this realization. I didn't know what was worse, the fact that Sakuya finally revealed that he was a vampire or that he was one of Tsubaki's subclass.

I pulled at the strings, testing them.

"I don't like bondage at all. It isn't fun." I muttered under my breath.

"Now's not the time to say that!" Mahiru yelled, blushing.

"Well, what do you want me to say?! Play master and servant while saying 'Please tie me up and punish me'?"


I shook my head at Mahiru. I didn't want to snap at him but this was one of the worst possible situation that we could land ourselves in. To be face with the fact that the friend you were trying to protect was part of the enemy.

What would Mahiru think?

"I told you both didn't I?" Sakuya said, his calm voice being replaced by a crazed one. "That vampires roam around this area?"

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