Melinda, I'm dying.

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-Spoilers for Season five-
This takes place season five episode twelve. If Phil told May he was dying before anyone else found out.

May studied Phil. He had been acting strange all day.
He was dying..
His worst fear was telling Melinda May. The love of his life would eventually have to know. The love of his life would eventually have to live without him.

"I didn't know how to tell you."

"And I didn't think I should.."

"Phil, what are you talking about?" May asked

"After ghost rider I knew. But I kept silent so no one would go looking for a helpless cure." Coulson started

May gave him a look. She didn't know where this conversation would lead off to.

"But it's not an infection. Eventually..."

"Coulson where is this conversation going?" She asked loudly

"Eventually my heart will just stop beating." He said

"What?" She was more than confused. She needed clarification.

"Melinda." He looked into her eyes. He stared at her beautiful brown eyes.

"Phil?" She asked

"I'm dying." He said finally

" Phil what are you talking about."

"Melinda I'm dying."

Melinda's eyes were hurt. She needed answers. She needed them fast.

"But it's not an infection. It can't be healed."

"Phil what is this? What's going on?" Her voice full of concern.

"Melinda. You'll need to lead the team. You'll need to be there for Daisy and the rest of them. I'm not putting heavy weight on your shoulders, but I need those two things and you're the only person who I trust enough to do it."

"Phil.." her voice, breaking.

"How could you.." she took a pause "How could you not tell me this sooner?" Upset —she was upset.

"Melinda.. I didn't want—"

"A cure?" She finished. "You didn't want a cure? You thought there was no cure, but there could've been."

"Melinda." His voice, calm.

"I'm not loosing hope Phil! You say 'team'? How could you keep something like this from this team.. this—family. You know shield is not only a team, Phil. You should've told me."

"I should've told you. You're right. But I didn't want you to chase after a love that would eventually be gone. I didn't want you to do that." He said.

"And I know I should've told you." He took a pause.

"I guess I just didn't want to hurt you." He says again.

He breathes before speaking again.

"I guess I just didn't want to see the look on your face when I told you" he says

"You did this the wrong way, Phil." Her voice, settled. "Imagine how Daisy will feel when you tell her. Imagine how the team will loose hope!"

"I didn't want time lost." He says

"We had time. We had all the time, Phil. It's gone now. Time is going to waste and we need to figure out how to stop it." She says. She stops the tears from coming. But her eyes are made of glass.

"Promise me you'll lead the team."

"I can't promise that."
She walked away.

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