To give a heart Part 2

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She was his savior.

He was saved.

She was sleeping.

He was wide awake.

"She gave you her heart," Jemma had said.

"Because she loves you.." Fitz had said.

Phil repeats those words through his mind as he fixed his tie.

"She saved me," he said.

"She saved me," he repeated

And now he had to return the favor.

——:5 days earlier:
Phil lied in bed next to his love, in the medical room. He wanted to give her space, but he couldn't take it.

  May had just been given two heart surgeries, and she wasn't the same.

Her appearances were the same, but she felt different. She felt as if she wasn't herself. As if she was a different person. Something was beating inside her chest that wasn't her own.
It wasn't his either.

And it disappointed her. It disappointed her to know that she couldn't have Coulson's heart. He could have hers, but she couldn't have his. She could no longer feel his love inside of her and it broke her heart. It terrified her.

  Melinda woke up with her heart pacing, cold beads of sweat laid on her forehead. She tried not to be bothered by the nightmare, but it was too much to handle.

  "May," Phil was alarmed and quickly turned on the lamp, "Are you okay??" He asked, placing his hand on hers.

  May nodded, and quickly turned to her side, ignoring Phil's presence. She was embarrassed.

Phil decided Melinda needed her space, so he kept his distance.

He knew it was a mistake when he woke up and realized Melinda wasn't laying by his side. He found her weakly walking in the kitchen to fix green tea.

"Let me help you with that," Phil said, appearing from the distance, smiling.

His smile faded when Melinda rejected and said, "it's okay."

May always loved when I made her green tea.

Phil nodded and asked, "are you hungry?" his voice echoed before he realized May had already left the room.

He figured he'd have to do something to cheer her up.

And hour passed and May was still in her room, with her hand on her heart.

She just wanted his heart. She just wanted his love.

Phil walked down the hallway, knocking on May's door. "Lin?"

He didn't expect an answer, since May had been quite all day. The door creaked open and he looked into Melinda's eyes. Her face was pale, and her lips were turning purple.

She looked ill.

Phil held out his hand and to his surprise, May took it. She placed her shivering hand in his and Phil headed her to the garage where Lola was parked.

They both arrived to Lola, holding hands and May started to tear up. Lola was filled with flowers and candles and May's favorite dinner.

But she didn't want that.

She didn't want the big flowers or the large chocolates. She didn't want the pretty decorations or the heavily scented candles.

She just wanted his heart. She just wanted him.

She saved him, but doesn't feel like it. She's carrying a strangers heart and not her own. She's carrying a strangers heart and not Phil's.

   May started to cry, and Phil didn't know what was wrong. He only wanted to save her.

   He only wanted to return the favor.

"May—" Phil started.

She stormed out of the garage and ran towards her room, before Phil stopped her.

"What Phil!? What-" Phil could see the tears in her eyes.

He paused, "look, I get it. You've been through a lot. You've been through so much the past week—"

"Yeah, but—" Melinda started, "But that's not it, Phil!!" She fought more tears until they were too hard to cover.

Phil took Melinda's hands and placed them in his. He looked down to his feet, then into May's eyes again.

"Then tell me," he begged, "tell me what's wrong."

"You!!" She cried out, "You have my broken heart. You have my sad stories! You have my pain," she sobbed.

"I'm broken!! And I don't want you to be, but you have my heart, Phil!! You have my pain!," she wiped more tears, "I feel like I'm going to ruin you."

"No," Phil replied, "no, no, no."

"But it's true, Phil!!" She sobbed.

"No, it's not."

"It is," she cried out.

"No! It's not," he responded, "and I know it's not! Because I love you!"

May paused.

"I love you!! And if your heart was broken, then I fixed it, because it's working just fine for me! I love you, Melinda May." He replied, meaning every word he said.

"I.. I love you too," she said while wiping her tears.

Coulson placed a soft kiss on Melindas lips before responding, "Then marry me, Melinda."

She was shocked and thought it was a joke, until Coulson kneeled and held out a ring.

"Marry me."

And she did.

She married him.
She was a bride

He was a groom

She wore flowers

He wore a tie

"She gave you her heart," Jemma had said.

"Because she loves you.." Fitz had said.

Phil repeats those words through his mind as he fixed his tie.

"She saved me," he said.

"She saved me," he repeated

And now he had to return the favor.

Now, he had to marry his love.

"Do you take Melinda Qiaolian May as your lawful wife to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, through good and bad, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" The priest asked Phil.

"Melinda, it took me a long time to tell you.." he fought a tear, "to tell you I love you and will always love you. But now, I promise you won't have to ask yourself when I love you and when I don't, because I do. And I will always love you. You gave me your heart, you are strong, and you are my love."

"Do you Melinda May take Phil Coulson to be your partner in life and to share a path of life with; equal in love, embraced as a mirror for your true self, promising to honor and cherish  him, through good times and bad, until death do you part?"

Melinda smiled, looking in Phil's eyes, "Coulson, I cant explain the amount of love I feel for you. I gave you my heart, and I would do it again," Melinda's voice cracked, "I wanted your heart, I wanted to have a part of you forever, even when we both passed away. But I love you, Phil. And now I know you are all I need."

The couple exchanged rings, "And now, by the power vested in me, I hereby pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Melinda wore a dress that exposed her heart scars, and Phil wore a tuxedo that did the same.

The couple kisses, exposing their love.
Exposing their hearts.

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